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City Hall New York, NY 10007 * Google Maps street view |
History - written by Chris Buchner (used with permission)
In the 17th Century while New York was under Dutch rule, City Hall was originally in the old City Tavern on Pearl Street. In 1700, a new City Hall was built on the corners of Nassau and Wall Streets and renamed Federal Hall when the city became the nation's capital. After the Revolutionary War, the Common Council decided to build a new City Hall at the Common located at what was the Northern limits of the city and now City Hall Park.
John McComb Jr. and Joseph Francois Mangin won the competition for the City Hall project, as well as $350. Construction was delayed until 1803 because the Common Council had objections to the assumed cost of the project. The size of the building was reduced and cheaper materials substituted. Construction was slow and tedious with frequent interruptions over labor disputes and a Yellow Fever outbreak. The building was dedicated in 1811 and opened in 1812. The exterior reflects the French Renaissance while the inside reflects the American-Georgian style.
Fun Facts
- The office of City Council President Carol Bellamy inside City Hall doubled as the Mayor's office.
- In 1958, the roof of City Hall burned down during a fireworks display; charred remains of the former roof can still be seen in the attic. (from the official New York City Fun Facts Shockwave file)
Real World Photos
During the chase near the end of the film, they drive up near City Hall. The movie is available on 20th Anniversary DVD and Amazon Instant Video. (Frame grab by Matthew Jordan.)
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