« California Filming Locations - Sedgewick Hotel |
This page will provide you with photos and information about every single filming location used in both movies. Some locations that are adjacent to each other are grouped onto one page, with the major location getting the primary credit. These are noted below with an asterisk (*). I have decided to leave up the old interactive maps I made for the New York and Los Angeles, California locations although they are not up-to-date. If you're interested in identifying any locations not listed here, the Unidentified Filming Locations page serves as a checklist of the locations that still need to be identified.
New York
Armand's Restaurant |
The Burbank Studios * |
Columbia Ranch * |
Ghostbusters HQ & Party (int) |
GB2 Street Digging |
Gracie Mansion |
N.Y. Public Library (stacks) |
Parkview Hospital |
Sedgewick Hotel |
Outside Links
- Spook Central's Shot On Site Articles
- Spook Central's Ghostbusters Movie Rundown
- Spook Central's Ghostbusters II Movie Rundown
- Spook Central Blog: MrMichaelT's Filming Locations List
- Spook Central Facebook: Alex Newborn's July 2014 New York City Photos (provided by him to Spook Central)
- Spook Central Facebook: New York & Hollywood Movie Lover's Guide Book Pages
- NYGB Tour - by Chris Buchner
- Proton Charging: Shot On Site
- Scouting NY: New York, You've Changed: Ghostbusters - Part 1, Part 2 (September 21, 2009)
- Ghostbusters International June 12, 2004 NYC Trip (archive)
- Herve Attia's Then-And-Now Video (December 30, 2009)
- Lars Karlsen's Ghostbusters New York Location Tour 2018 (August 4, 2018)
- Follow That Marshmallow: A Ghostbusters Tour (April 21, 2010) - A tour of all the filming locations for Ghostbusters 1 & 2 in New York City. Hosted by Brett Vanderbrook and James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd) for Cinemassacre.
- The Ultimate Interactive Google Maps Guide to Ghostbusters (New York City) (The site was featured on the "Around The Net" segment of the May 15, 2006 episode of "Attack Of The Show" on the G4TV cable channel.)
- The Ghostbusters Tour
- Nikolai Forero's New York Ghostbusters Screen Location Photos (archive)
- GhostBusTour - This group is creating a walking video tour of New York (see sample). You load the video onto your iPod, PSP, cellphone, or what-have-you, and it guides you around New York, stopping from time to time to talk about various filming locations from the film.
- Video: CBS News Sunday Morning - The Life Of A Movie Location Scout (February 27, 2011) - A look at the fascinating, yet often invisible world of movie location scouting. Featuring Nick Carr, location scout and webmaster of ScoutingNY, showing the reporter around town, even looking at 55 Central Park West. (YouTube Copy)
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