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Websites do not last forever. At some point in time the owner/creator of the site will take it down and it will be lost forever. I have made it my business to not let this happen to some of the best Ghostbusters sites that were ever created, particularly the official sites.
The Internet Archive feels the same way. Their Wayback Machine lets you browse through 40 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.
Below are links to the archives of lost sites that have been salvaged by the Internet Archive. Since I archived some sites myself, I've zipped up my saved files and put them online, in case you want to download a long forgotten site. Just look for the "download site" links.
The sites I saved have been pretty much left as they were originally created, though I may have cleaned them up a bit and removed some or all of the outside links. Any spelling errors present in these preserved files were there in the originals (I didn't correct them for the sake of preservation). I do not take any credit for the creation of these websites. They are fully owned and copyrighted by their original owners.
Fox Family Channel - The Real Ghostbusters
• Address: http://www.foxfamilychannel.com/kids/4racd001_htm
• Download Site: 8/6/1998 / 9/11/1998 / 1/17/1999
Sony - Ghostbusters DVD (German)
• Address: http://www.columbiatristar-homevideo.de/archiv/ghost/
• Download Site: 9/27/1999
Bohbot - Extreme Ghostbusters
Original Series Outline
• Address: http://www.amazin.com/amazin/exghostbustersprecis.html
• Download Site: 6/26/1997 (no images)
Show Page
• Address: http://www.amazin.com/bknkids/eghoststructure/eghostshowpage/eghostshow.html
• Download Site: 2/11/1998 (no images)
Sony - Extreme Ghostbusters
• Address: http://www.extremeghostbusters.com
• Address: http://www.spe.sony.com/tv/kids/xgb/
• Download Site: 9/6/1998-3/12/1999 (9.2 Mb)
(Included in the site archive are all four of Sony's EGB screen savers [two for Windows and two for Macintosh].)
• Live Archive: http://www.extremeghostbusters.org
Trendmasters - Extreme Ghostbusters Toys
• Address: http://www.trendmasters.com/road/ghostbusters/default_htm
• Address: http://www.trendmasters.com/boys/ghostbusters/ghostbusters.html
• Download Site: 10/2/1998 (264 Kb)
• Live Archive: http://www.extremeghostbusters.org/trendmasters/
Zoonimedia - Extreme Ghostbusters
• Address: http://www.zoon.com.au/zoonihttps://www.spookcentral.tk/media/sclib/projects/xtreme.html
Nickelodeon UK - Extreme Ghostbusters
• Address: http://nicktv.co.uk/show.asp?show=extremeghostbusters (NOT IN ARCHIVE)
• Address: http://nicktv.co.uk/dev.asp?page=http://nicktv.co.uk/shows/application/show-runtime-frameset.asp?showName=extremeghostbusters
• Address: http://nicktv.co.uk/nw_nick/show/classic/dev.asp?int_show_id=28
• Download Site: 12/30/2000 / 1/21/2001 (images only)
Picture Palace Productions - Extreme Ghostbusters "Kick 'em high" Toy Commercial (Agency: H&H Advertising)
• Address: http://www.picturepalaceprod.com/boystoys/ghostbust_htm
• Download Site: 5/5/2001 (submitted by Doreen Mulman)
Demilitarized Zone, The
• Address: http://www.zip.com.au/~delorean/
• Description: Movie multimedia and information, with special attention paid to things from Australia.
• Also From The Same Webmaster: Firestation 23
• Address: http://back16.tripod.com/ECTO-135_htm
• Description: Movie images, audio, even Real Ghostbusters pictues all about the Ectomobile.
Ghostbusters Action Figure Web
• Address: http://members.tripod.com/ECTOGlow/GBAF.html
• Description: This is the definitive place to go for information about and pictures of ALL Ghostbusters toys (and some merchandise) -- from Filmation's to Extreme, and all that's in between!
Ghostbusters Central / Ghostbusters.Net / Ghostbusters.org
• Address: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/ghostbuster/
• Address: http://www.gbcentral.com
• Address: http://www.ghostbusters.net
• Address: http://archive.ghostbusters.net
• Address: http://www.ghostbusters.org
This long-running site by Chad Paulson gives Spook Central a run for it's money in the sheer amount of multimedia content it contains. You'll find tons of Real Media video and audio from the films and television series (including whole episodes), as well as loads of still photos. Of course, multimedia isn't the only thing you'll find here. It's also the home of the first GB Auction service, the Occult Reference Net, and the Ghostbusters ICQ Group.
Ghostbusters Fan Forum
• Address: http://members.aol.com/DoReEgon/
• Address: http://www.gbff.tk
• Address: http://gbff.mkbmemorial.com (October 31, 2008 going away message)
• Description: A site with content written/created by the fans, for the fans. This is the definative place for fan fiction and artwork (I even have a story published here). It's also the only place to find the official pages for GB actresses Tara Charendoff and Robin Navlyt. Among the truckload of other stuff that can be found here are pages written by the EGB characters -- Eduardo, Kylie, Garrett, and Janine.
The Ghostbusters Fictional Homepage
• Address: http://physics.webplasma.com/ghostbusters/n_index.html
• Description: What if the Ghostbusters was a real business? What would their real business website look like? Well, it would look something like this site.
Ghostbusters Headquarters
• Address: http://www.ghostbustershq.com
• Description: Typically updated on a weekly basis, GBHQ brings some of the latest news on the GB front -- with a healthy dose of GB3 news and rumors, in tow. In it's archives you'll find some fan art, Universal Studios Spooktacular information, interviews with GB crew members, and more. (In 2012, webmaster Troy put a Ghostbusters Headquarters Tribute Site at the old domain name.)
Ghostbusters Homepage, The
• Address: http://pilot.msu.edu/user/emkowbil/ghostbus_htm
(original design [1/14/1997]: http://www.okemosweb.com/ghostbusters/classic/index.html)
• Address: http://www.okemosweb.com/ghostbusters/index.html
• Live Archive: http://okemosweb.ghostbusters.org
• Description: The site that started it all; the one that inspired me to create Spook Central. Even though it only covers GB1 (with a slight excursion into GB3), there's still enough content here to keep one busy for awhile -- check out the blueprints to build your own proton pack or try your hand at the trivia. After almost four years of dedication to the Ghostbusters online community, Bill Emkow decided to retire his web site on January 25, 2000.
Ghostbusters: New York City
• Address: http://thefirehouse.ghostbustersinternational.com
• Description: A site that shows what the Ghostbusters' website would look like if their business was real.
Ghostbusters Vortex
• Address: http://www2.crosswinds.net/congo/~gbvortex/
• Description: There's a little bit of everything here -- a GB3 script written by the webmaster, entire sections devoted to the book Making Ghostbusters and the GB1 DVD, lots of fan art, a prop section, and more.
Ghostbusting: Online
• Address: http://www2.favorites.com/~venkman/index.html
• Address: http://www.ghostbustingonline.com
• Description: This site has a fantastic design and awesome graphics, but that's not all. There's also great ghost stories, recipes, multimedia, and GB fashions. And dare I forget about all the technical info on all aspects of ghostbusting. Plus, you can join E.C.T.O. (Ethereal Creature Termination Organization).
Ghostheads United
• Address: http://www.crosswinds.net/~ghostheads/index.html
• Description: Ghostheads of the world, UNITE! Check out the awesome PKE Meter navigational menu (you can't miss it), then take a peek into the Spengler Files for bios of RGB & EGB characters as well as scientific explanations of the Ghostbusting technology. Don't forget about all the fan fiction (written by the webmaster), RGB soundbytes, and WinAmp skins that this site has to offer.
Hook And Ladder No. 8.
• Address: http://members.tripod.com/~Adam_P_B/ghostbusters/
• Description: Taking shelter in an abandoned firehouse are the transcripts of both films (that being written descriptions of what you see in the finalized films); an article about the science of ghostbusting; the Complete Compendium of all GB characters, events, devices, and places; some original GB parody art; and a GB3 script the webmaster wrote.
Mark Brown's Ghostbusting In '99/2000
• Address: http://members.tripod.com/~GBinc/index-2.html
• Download Site: unknown date (4.3 Mb) (incomplete, see txt file)
• Description: The little site that packs a wallop of information -- the most impressive of which are the cover scans of *all* RGB Vol. 1 & GB2 comic books. While you're here, take a look at the Starlog articles, the role-playing game drawings, and the ghost classification information.
Meet The Ghostbusters
• Address: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/9624/gb.html
• Description: Written from the perspective of the GB characters themselves, some of the sections include Peter Venkman's Babe Of The Week, Romance Advise With Kylie & Eduardo, Ghostbusters Music With Winston Zeddemore, and Garrett & Roland's Movie Reviews.
NYGB Tourguide
• Address: http://www.nygbtourguide.tk
• Address: http://hometown.aol.com/nygbtour/
• Description: Chris Buchner's extensive site that documents all of the New York filming locations from both movies.
NYGB ComicGuide
• Address: http://hometown.aol.com/nygbcomic/
• Live Archive: 10/28/2008 (hosted by Spook Central)
• Description: Chris Buchner's extensive site that documents all of the Ghostbusters comic books, including Filmation, released all over the world.
PKE Online
• Address: http://home.tiscali.se/spengler/
• Address: http://www.ghostbusters.se
• Description: A Swedish fan site (in English and Swedish) run by Maria Wahlin (aka Campi), with movie photos, artwork and fan fiction by Maria, RGB profiles, RGB Swedish voice actor profiles, Swedish RGB Magazine covers, and more.
Although Maria's site is gone, her old blog is still online (though not updated since 2009), as is her DeviantArt page (which is being updated).
Ray's Occult
• Address: http://lek.net/~jonmully/
• Description: This site pretty much has the same general info about the movies and tv series (including Filmation's) that you can find at other sites. However, it does have some original parody fan art and fan fiction that is worth checking out.
Ray's World
• Address: http://members.tripod.com/~stanzman/Index/Ray_htm
• Description: She's got a Ray about her ... yes, it's a site dedicated to Ray Stantz. Included on it are some of Ellen's beautiful drawings, Stantz Family Recipes, a tour of Dan "Ray" Aykroyd's land of birth -- Canada, and some Ray-isms (complete with soundbytes).
The Real Ghostbusters Fan Page by Sheila Paulson
• Address: http://users.aol.com/venkie/rgb/rgb_htm (up to 10/31/2008)
• Address: http://venkmeister.topcities.com/rgb_htm (up to 3/20/2011)
• Address: http://www.debwalsh.com/venkie/
• Archive.is: Archived Copy (3/15/2011 Update)
• Description: This site, by Sheila Paulson, was one of the first Ghostbusters sites on the internet, having been created in 1995. It was the definitive source for professionally-written RGB fan fiction (both in print and online), and also was the home to the original version of The Real Ghostbusters episode guide. For more on the history of the site, check out Fanlore.org.
The Unofficial Real Ghostbusters Headquarters
• Address: http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/rgb/rgb1_htm
• Description: This site, by Adrian "Burning Knight Raven" Adams, was one of the first Ghostbusters sites on the internet. There's a ton of original drawings done by the Adrian himself (very well drawn!) -- including his original "RGB: Super" series. There's also a ton of RGB screen captures, and information on the theory of Ghostbusting, explanations of the equipment, and profiles of the RGB villains.
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