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Shot On Site - Ray Runs Some Red Lights
By Devilmanozzy on Jun. 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM , Categories: Ghostbusters 2, Filming Locations , Tags: shot-on-site

Welcome to Spook Central's special Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary Celebration. This is the third "Shot On Site" article for the month, and today we'll be examining a quick Ecto-1A shot from the "We're Back" montage in Ghostbusters II. It was found and identified by myself. The Ghostbusters are back in business after winning the court case and putting away the Scoleri Brothers. The Ecto-1A is seen passing by a shoe repair shop and a fruit and vegetable stand.
Before starting, it should be known that this footage is most likely re-purposed footage from the Possessed Ray Driving deleted scene. Anyways, the location was found almost at pure random. I was searching for the shoe repair place in the footage when I stumbled on this location. Ironically, the shoe repair place that is there today, most likely, is not related to the one that was there when the movie was filmed back in 1988. Oddly enough, when I first saw the location I didn't think I had found it. It felt like the right neighborhood but it didn't look right. Then I noticed this:

The top image is a collage from the movie as the car turns the street, while the bottom is from Google Maps. The vents, which are actually air conditioners, match up perfectly, as does the door. So the collage was useful in this case, as it shows the part of the location that was found first. This is far from being a perfect ID yet. More needed to be done.

Where to begin? Starting on the extreme left, the selection in green is a set of One Way street signs, which match up. In the pink selection is a bus stop. Who'd have thought it would still be there twenty-five years later?! Selected in red is the shoe repair shop, which in the film had a visible entrance and a vent. The entrance and vent are still there today. The yellow selection is the outside fire escape stairs and a window to the right of it. Selected in cyan blue are three windows of which the middle one is smaller than the two on the sides. Finally, selected in dark blue is a sizable gap between the two buildings. The side of the building has gone through quite a bit of change, but can still be ID'ed thanks to the size of the side showing. Oh, but what about further up the street?

The area selected in yellow shows the first five windows to the left. You'll notice that in both the movie (top) and Google Map (bottom), the left-most window is further away from the other four. In between the yellow and red selections is a small window in both. To the right of the small window, selected in red, are three more windows and another fire escape (kinda hidden behind a tree in Google's image), which leaves two more windows to the right of it. Then, selected in dark blue, smack dab in the middle of the building, is an elongated door with a rounded top. Oh, and further down the street you say?

Looking at these three pictures (top being a collage of movie footage, middle being a Google street view of the side, and the bottom being a collage of Google images of what the neighborhood looks today), it is clear no one is painting these buildings. Let's see... starting from the left: Olive green building, four red buildings, two pale green buildings, a forest green building, and another red building to finish off the row. This completes the Ghostbusters II location: Intersection of Hudson Street & Barrow Street.
For more information about Ghostbusters filming locations, be sure to check out the rest of Spook Central's Shot On Site articles, Spook Central's Filming Locations page, and Chris Stewart's Shot On Site articles. Thanks Chris for letting me use your awesome title. Title graphic drawn by Paul Kinsella.
You have to be kidding me!!!! I now work a few blocks from here and have probably even gone up that way, and I NEVER realized it! ARGH! Frustrating.
Kudos to everyone who’s managed to find what I never could (especially the LA stuff).
Jun. 20, 2014 @ 17:09
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