Category: "Personal"
Paul's Online Store Reopens at
Aside from some Amazon Affiliates links (which generate a measly 1% for each item sold), I don't run any advertising here on Spook Central. This is by design, as I don't want to bombard my visitors with lots of flashy ads cluttering up the place. I also… more »
Ghostbusters: Afterlife New York City Premiere Report (November 15, 2021)
On Monday November 15, 2021, I (Paul Rudoff) attended the "world premiere" of Ghostbusters: Afterlife in New York City. The movie is in theaters now (buy tickets here), but I'd like to share with you my report on what I experienced at the premiere last… more »
Hasbro 2020 Toy Fair - Attendee Report & Ghostbusters Product Line Details
By Paul Rudoff on Feb. 25, 2020 at 9:15 PM , Categories: Personal, Ghostbusters 1, Real Ghostbusters, Reviews & Merch, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Filming Locations, The 2016 Parody Remake
On Saturday February 22, 2020, I attended the Hasbro 2020 Toy Fair in New York City, an offshoot of the larger New York Toy Fair going on elsewhere in the city at the same time. Thanks to the invitation-only event, I was able to be amongst the first to… more »
18 Years Ago Today...Buying The Real Ghostbusters Soundtrack Cassette
Those of you who know me, know that I'm a bit of a hoarder; especially digitally, where I have almost a Terabyte of stuff going back over 20 years. A lot of it is personal stuff, like AOL Instant Messenger chat transcripts with my friends, multimedia of… more »
Ghostbusters Presents of Birthdays Past
Although I've been running this website for 20 years, my love of Ghostbusters goes back much further than that. In honor of my birthday today, let's take a look back at a few of my past birthdays and the Ghostbusters presents I received for them. more »
Hurricane Sandy - Destroyed East Rockaway House Demolished
Updated on September 1, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - In an effort to make the photo documentation of the house trips easier to find, here are the quick links to all Facebook photo galleries about the East… more »
BBQ Films Ghostbusters Brooklyn Event Attendee Report #BBQGhostbusters
On Wednesday June 8, 2016, the United States and Belgium sent their best operatives to Brooklyn to save the world from impending paranormal phenomena. Actually, I think the word I'm looking for is "apocalypse". They came to kick ectoplasm and… more »
Things I Dislike About Ghostbusters II
Way back in October 2006, Roger Barr wrote an article entitled "Ten Things I Liked About Ghostbusters II" (since renamed to "Some Things I Really Like About Ghostbusters II"). I've been meaning to write a counterpoint article since I often consider… more »
The Story Behind The Ivan Reitman Signed Ghostbusters Comic Book
Life is strange sometimes. You see that glorious Ghostbusters Infestation #2 comic book signed on the cover by Ivan Reitman, director of Ghostbusters 1 & 2, and lots of other classic comedy films? I received that in the mail today, but how it got to… more »
Editorial - Ghostbusters Merchandise I'd Like To See Next Year
Rarely do I post editorials because I just don't think anyone is interested in reading my thoughts and opinions on things. However, occasionally I get ideas that I want to "put out there", and want to commit to the archive of posts on Spook Central, and… more »
Making Ghostbusters Birthday Present
Hey, everyone! Today's my birthday. I won't say how old I am, but if you do the math, you'll figure it out soon enough. As I been salvaging the home movie videotapes that Hurricane Sandy ruined, I've been finding long-forgotten family memories. One of… more »
Spook Central's Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary Plans & Donation Thank Yous
For the benefit of those of you who haven't been playing along at home, a little history... Due to Hurricane Sandy destroying my old home and leaving my family homeless for over a month (we lived in a Red Cross emergency shelter for six weeks before we… more »
The Good, The Bad, And The Future
The Good That image up there is the new Spook Central Headquarters. Click on it for a look at the full-size image (if it's scaled down to fit your screen, click on it again). As you can see, I have a new 100% working fast computer - and I assembled it… more »
New York City 2013 Field Report
By Paul Rudoff on Dec. 29, 2013 at 12:00 PM , Categories: Personal, Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbusters 2, Filming Locations
Yesterday my family and I went into the City to celebrate my parent's 38th wedding anniversary. We visited Times Square and Rockefeller Center, and I figured it would be a good opportunity to take some photos of the Ghostbusters spots at those locations… more »
Hurricane Sandy Recovery/Spook Central Status Update
By Paul Rudoff on Jun. 24, 2013 at 4:27 PM , Categories: Personal, Spook Central , Tags: hurricane-sandy For those of you who haven't been playing along at home... Hurricane Sandy flooded my home of 23 years in East Rockaway, Long Island, New York with five feet of water on October 29, 2012. As a result, my family… more »
Hurricane Sandy - My Eternal Gratitude Goes To... I give my eternal gratitude to the following individuals and companies who helped me and my family in our Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts. Some helped by running my websites in my absence and spreading the word… more »
Hurricane Sandy - Destroyed East Rockaway House Updates
Updated on March 10, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - In an effort to make the photo documentation of the house trips easier to find, here are the quick links to all Facebook photo galleries about the East… more »
Hurricane Sandy Dan Schoening Charity Cover Revealed
Back in November of last year, as I was languishing away in a Red Cross emergency shelter, due to my family's home of 23 years being taken away from us by Hurricane Sandy, several Ghostheads put forth charitable efforts to help me in my time of need.… more »
Hurricane Sandy Salvaging Project
Updated on October 1, 2014 As my family is now, for the most part, settled into our new home, and everything that was undamaged or salvageable has been moved from the old home, there are two main tasks ahead of us: (1) Try to salvage the damp stuff… more »
My So-Called Computing Life - Recovering From Hurricane Sandy
Updated on February 11, 2014 As my family is now, for the most part, settled into our new home, and everything that was undamaged or salvageable has been moved from the old home, there are two main tasks ahead of us: (1) Try to salvage the damp stuff… more »
New Year, New Post-Hurricane Updates
Updated on January 22, 2013 This photo shows some of the unsalvageable flood-damaged Ghostbusters-related items lying on the floor of my old house. Going from left to right, we see: Nearly 50 copies of IDW's Ghostbusters #9 comic book. You see the… more »
Update on Paul "Good News!"
Updated on December 31, 2012 Hi Everyone Good news! My family and I are no longer living at the Red Cross emergency shelter at Nassau Community College. We spent six grueling weeks there, and we left nearly exactly to the day and time we arrived. We… more »
Updates on Paul since November 16th and onward
Last updated on December 8, 2012 For previous updates, please see the "Spook Central On Hiatus / Making Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preserved" blog post. This blog post contains the next set of updates. The last blog got way too crowded and so I got approval… more »
Spook Central On Hiatus / Spook Central Halloween Treat - Making Ghostbusters PDF eBook
By Paul Rudoff on Nov. 9, 2012 at 7:46 PM , Categories: Personal, Spook Central, Ghostbusters 1, Books, Preservation , Tags: halloween_treat, hurricane-sandy
Last updated on November 11, 2012. Please check the blog post "Updates on Paul since November 16th and onward" for further updates. Spook Central On Hiatus Hey Everyone. Paul here writing in from the Red Cross emergency shelter at Nassau Community… more »
Spook Central Webmaster, Paul Rudoff, Appears In Ghostbusters Comic Book
IDW's Ghostbusters #11 comic book, which comes out this Wednesday, July 25, 2012, features a scene in the Belda'r Cafe in Roswell, New Mexico with Peter Venkman and a female FBI agent. On page 19, there's a very special onlooker to the events... Does… more »
My Parent's Wedding Anniversary In This Sunday's Newsday
My first post of the new year is actually not about Ghostbusters. This is a personal post, and one that won't even be of much use to the large percentage of you who live outside of the New York area, but it's something that I'm proud of, and wanted to… more »
Ghostbusters II 20th Anniversary - Cast On Oprah
It was twenty years ago today, on June 16, 1989, that Ghostbusters II premiered in theaters all across the United States. I wasn't amongst the lucky fans who got to see it that day, but I did get to see it in the theater during its initial run. I went… more »
Ghostbusters Legion Hardcover Refund
Today marks the three year anniversary since I placed the pre-order for the Legion hardcover through Graham Cracker Comics. I gave Sebastian enough time to publish the book, but it's obvious he scammed us all. I've been very patient, but I've reached my… more »
Happy Independence Day... Or Other Patriotic Holiday
(click to enlarge) To everyone who lives in the USA, I just wanted to send some Happy Independence Day wishes your way. To everyone else, substitute your country's biggest patriotic holiday for our July 4th, and the wishes are the same. The above image… more »
Still Making Headlines All Across The Country...
I was recently interviewed by popular entertainment blog Scribble King. The interview has just been posted, and you can read it here: I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters fan Paul Rudoff (February 12, 2007). News of my interview even… more »