Tag: "hurricane-sandy"
Hurricane Sandy - Destroyed East Rockaway House Demolished
Updated on September 1, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - In an effort to make the photo documentation of the house trips easier to find, here are the quick links to all Facebook photo galleries about the East… more »
Hurricane Sandy Recovery/Spook Central Status Update
By Paul Rudoff on Jun. 24, 2013 at 4:27 PM , Categories: Personal, Spook Central , Tags: hurricane-sandy
http://tinyurl.com/rudoff-hurricane-sandy For those of you who haven't been playing along at home... Hurricane Sandy flooded my home of 23 years in East Rockaway, Long Island, New York with five feet of water on October 29, 2012. As a result, my family… more »
Hurricane Sandy - My Eternal Gratitude Goes To...
http://tinyurl.com/rudoff-hurricane-sandy I give my eternal gratitude to the following individuals and companies who helped me and my family in our Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts. Some helped by running my websites in my absence and spreading the word… more »
Hurricane Sandy - Destroyed East Rockaway House Updates
Updated on March 10, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - In an effort to make the photo documentation of the house trips easier to find, here are the quick links to all Facebook photo galleries about the East… more »
Hurricane Sandy Dan Schoening Charity Cover Revealed
Back in November of last year, as I was languishing away in a Red Cross emergency shelter, due to my family's home of 23 years being taken away from us by Hurricane Sandy, several Ghostheads put forth charitable efforts to help me in my time of need.… more »
Hurricane Sandy Salvaging Project
Updated on October 1, 2014 As my family is now, for the most part, settled into our new home, and everything that was undamaged or salvageable has been moved from the old home, there are two main tasks ahead of us: (1) Try to salvage the damp stuff… more »
My So-Called Computing Life - Recovering From Hurricane Sandy
Updated on February 11, 2014 As my family is now, for the most part, settled into our new home, and everything that was undamaged or salvageable has been moved from the old home, there are two main tasks ahead of us: (1) Try to salvage the damp stuff… more »
New Year, New Post-Hurricane Updates
Updated on January 22, 2013 This photo shows some of the unsalvageable flood-damaged Ghostbusters-related items lying on the floor of my old house. Going from left to right, we see: Nearly 50 copies of IDW's Ghostbusters #9 comic book. You see the… more »
Update on Paul "Good News!"
Updated on December 31, 2012 Hi Everyone Good news! My family and I are no longer living at the Red Cross emergency shelter at Nassau Community College. We spent six grueling weeks there, and we left nearly exactly to the day and time we arrived. We… more »
Updates on Paul since November 16th and onward
Last updated on December 8, 2012 For previous updates, please see the "Spook Central On Hiatus / Making Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preserved" blog post. This blog post contains the next set of updates. The last blog got way too crowded and so I got approval… more »
Spook Central On Hiatus / Spook Central Halloween Treat - Making Ghostbusters PDF eBook
By Paul Rudoff on Nov. 9, 2012 at 7:46 PM , Categories: Personal, Spook Central, Ghostbusters 1, Books, Preservation , Tags: halloween_treat, hurricane-sandy
Last updated on November 11, 2012. Please check the blog post "Updates on Paul since November 16th and onward" for further updates. Spook Central On Hiatus Hey Everyone. Paul here writing in from the Red Cross emergency shelter at Nassau Community… more »