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Elmer Bernstein's Ghostbusters: Original Motion Picture Score (Sony Classical) Audio CD Review
Hello! I’m David from Italy and I’m a ghosthead since I was a little child! I want to tell you that your site is fantastic and has enriched me with many answers to the questions I had for years!
I would like to know, if possible, your opinion on the exact order of the tracks…
Hi David.
Thanks for all of the kind words. I truly appreciate it.
As for the corrected order, you can either refer to the spreadsheet mentioned in the article, or Christopher Robert Adams created an ‘unofficial fixed fan order’ playlist on Spotify, though without the app, you can only see the first 30 tracks. Thanks to David for helping to grab the last 7 tracks, so below is the full playlist. The numbers in parenthesis are the original track numbers.
01. (01) Ghostbusters Theme
02. (02) Library
03. (03) Venkman
04. (04) Hello
05. (06) Get Her!
06. (07) Plan
07. (09) Fridge and Sign
08. (11) Client
09. (12) Dana’s Apartment
10. (13) Same Problem
11. (14) We Got One
12. (25) Halls
13. (26) Ballroom
14. (27) Trap
15. (15) Zuul Part 1
16. (16) Meeting 1
17. (17) I Respect You
18. (19) Zuul Part 2
19. (05) The Best One in Your Row
20. (10) Attack
21. (18) Who Brought the Dog
22. (20) Steel Drum
23. (22) News
24. (23) Judgment Day
25. (24) Mistake
26. (21) Cross Rip
27. (28) Meeting 2
28. (29) Earthquake
29. (32) Let’s Go
30. (30) Stairwell
31. (31) Gozer
32. (33) We’re Going To Save The World
33. (34) Mr. Stay Puft
34. (35) Final Battle
35. (36) Finish
36. (08) Dana’s Theme
37. (37) Zuul (Album Version)
Here are Christopher Robert Adams’ notes on the playlist as posted on the Spook Central Facebook page: “You can’t mess with the official playlist of course BUT you can copy/paste all the tracks into your own playlist which is what I did. Then I used the spreadsheet from your article and followed the cue order in the far left column to rearrange it in mine since it seemed to be how they appeared in the film. It sounds about right to me. I just wasn’t sure where to put Zuul 1 and Zuul 2 so I kind of guessed there. I haven’t sat through the film and really listened to it in awhile hence why I posted here.”
– Paul
Lacks the piece of the orchestra at the Sedgewick and the violin piece at The Tavern on the green! Or I’m wrong, Paul??
P.S. The only modify I should do on the order of the tracks is that “Dana’s theme” I should insert between “Plan” and “Fridge and sign". While Zool (album version) should be good at the end because it’s a kind of “bonus track” for me… What do you think about it, Paul?
Many greetings
That sounds good to me, David. Also, thanks for grabbing the last 7 tracks for the revised playlist order. - Paul
Dear Paul, listening more accurate I would move “Zuul part 2″ between “Steel drum” and “News” , may sounds better for me! ;) :)
This is Chris (the fellow who made the alt score playlist). Just wanted to say thanks for all the help getting the song orders right. I really appreciate Spook Central and everyone who’s helped out with the community over the years. I’m proud to be a Ghosthead!
Chris, you’re the one first who helped us!
So many thanks to you!! ;) ;)
I only fix something here and there, in my opinion :D Crazy Ghosthead me too!!
Many greetings and sorry if I speak not well, I’m not english ;)
I tried to tie all the pieces together from all 3 versions as good as i could, and this is my version of the tracklisting:
01. Ghostbusters theme (2019)
02. Library & title (2006)
03. Venkman (2019)
04. Walk (2006)
05. Hello (2019)
06. Get her! (2019)
07. Plan (2019)
08. Taken (2006)
09. Fridge (2006)
10. Sign (2006)
11. Client (2019)
12. The apartment (2019)
13. Same problem (2019)
14. Dana’s theme (2019)
15. We got one! (2006)
16. Halls (2019)
17. ‘’Searching'’ (hard work) (1998)
18. ‘’Hotel music'’ (hard work) (1998)
19. Trap (2006)
20. Zuul, part 1 (2019)
21. Meeting (2019)
22. I Respect You (2019)
23. The best one in your row / Cross rip(2019)
24. Attack (2019)
25. Who brought the dog / Dogs (2019)
26. Somebody let me in (1998)
27. Date (2006)
28. Zuul, part 2 (2019)
29. Dana’s room / News (2019)
30. Steel drum (2019)
31. Judgment day (2019)
32. The protection grid (2006)
33. Mistake (2019)
34. Cross Rip / Ghosts! (2019)
35. The gatekeeper (2019)
36. Earthquake (2019)
37. Let’s go / Ghostbusters! (2019)
38. Stairwell (2019)
39. Gozer (2019)
40. Marshmellow terror (2019)
41. Mr. Stay Puft (2019)
42. The big marshmallow (1998)
43. Final battle (2019)
44. Finish (2019)
45. End credits (2006)
46. Zuul [album version](2019)
47. We got one [alternative] (2006)
I’ve decided to throw my hat into the ring, and try my hand at organizing an “Expanded Edition” playlist of the Ghostbusters Score and Soundtrack. Which plays the aforementioned Score and Soundtrack in the order they are heard in the film. Feel free to take a listen anytime you like. (I would like to thank Christopher Robert Adams for his take on the Bernstein Score ordering, as it really helped me be able to list the Score tracks properly.)
Thank you and enjoy! - Noah
Noah’s playlist order is below. As you can see, he mixed in the soundtrack’s pop songs with the score pieces.
Only the first 30 items are shown to the public. If you’re on Spotify, please post the remaining order so we can all know.
01. Ghostbusters Theme
02. Library
03. Ray Parker, Jr. - Ghostbusters
04. Venkman
05. Hello
06. Get Her!
07. Air Supply - I Can Wait Forever
08. Plan
09. Dana’s Theme
10. Fridge and Sign
11. Client
12. Dana’s Apartment
13. Same Problem
14. Thompson Twins - In the Name of Love
15. We Got One
16. The Bus Boys - Cleanin’ Up the Town
17. Halls
18. Ballroom
19. Trap
20. Zuul Part 1
21. Meeting 1
22. I Respect You
23. The Best One in Your Row
24. Laura Branigan - Hot Night
25. Attack
26. Who Brought the Dog
27. Steel Drum
28. Zuul Part 2
29. News
30. Judgment Day
– Paul
31. Mistake
32. Mick Smiley - Magic
33. Cross Rip
34. Meeting 2
35. Alessi Brothers - Savin’ the Day
36. Earthquake
37. Let’s Go
38. Stairwell
39. Gozer
40. We’re Going to Save the World.
41. Mr. Stay Puft
42. Final Battle
43. Finish
44. Zuul (Album Version)
45. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters - Instrumental Version
- Noah
I believe this is the complete and accurate order of songs, from all 3 scores (1998, 2006 & 2019):
1. Library And Title (3:04)
2. Venkman (0:33)
3. Walk (0:30)
4. Hello (1:37)
5. Get Her! (2:04)
6. Plan (1:27)
7. Taken (1:09)
8. Fridge (1:01)
9. Sign (0:54)
10. Client (0:36)
11. Dana’s Apartment (1:41)
12. Same Problem (1:09)
13. We Got One (Alternate) (2:04)
14. Halls (2:31)
15. Hotel Haunting (1:25)
16. Trap (1:57)
17. Meeting 1 (0:39)
18. I Respect You (0:59)
19. The Best One In Your Row (1:08)
20. Attack (1:33)
21. Who Brought The Dog (1:00)
22. Chased By A Bear (2:45)
23. Date (0:45)
24. Zuul Part 2 (4:15)
25. Steel Drum (1:31)
26. News (1:45)
27. Judgment Day (1:20)
28. The Protection Grid (0:44)
29. Meeting 2 (1:15)
30. Earthquake (0:35)
31. Savin’ the day [crawling up from the hole version] (0:59)
32. Stairwell (1:22)
33. Gozer (2:52)
34. We’re Going To Save The World (1:28)
35. Mr. Stay Puft (0:34)
36. Final Battle (1:34)
37. Finish (2:15)
38. End Credits (5:19)
39. Let’s Go (1:16)
40. Mistake (0:39)
41. Zuul Part 1 (0:47)
42. Cross Rip (2:18)
43. Zuul (3:14)
44. We Got One! (2:04)
45. Ghostbusters Theme (3:01)
46. Dana’s Theme (3:33)
Here is the complete tracklist with score and soundtrack in order. I renamed most of the tracks for personal use, because I think the official titles were lazy. Here it is:
01. Elmer Bernstein - The library & title
02. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters
03. Elmer Bernstein - Dr. Venkman’s ESP test (Venkman)
04. Elmer Bernstein - Peter & Ray meets Egon at the library (Walk)
05. Elmer Bernstein - Listen! You smell something (Hello)
06. Elmer Bernstein - The library ghost (Get her)
07. The Bus Boys - Cleanin’ up the town [instrumental]
08. Elmer Bernstein - Get her, that was your whole plan (Plan)
09. Air Supply - I can wait forever
10. Elmer Bernstein - Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma (Taken)
11. Elmer Bernstein - Growling noise from fridge (Fridge)
12. Elmer Bernstein - Everybody can relax, I found the car! (Sign)
13. Elmer Bernstein - Ms. Barrett visits the Ghostbusters’ office (Client)
14. Elmer Bernstein - I heard a voice say Zuul! It was right here! (Dana’s Apartment)
15. Elmer Bernstein - Pete Venkman’s a guy who can get things done (Same problem)
16. Thompson Twins - In the name of love - 1984
17. The Bus Boys - Cleanin’ up the town
18. Elmer Bernstein - Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve (We got one - alternate)
19. Elmer Bernstein - Slimer, the onionhead (Halls)
20. Elmer Bernstein - We’ll take care of it (Hotel haunting) Lobby music - edited
21. Elmer Bernstein - Catching Slimer in the ballroom (Trap)
22. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters [12′’ remix] - 1984
23. Elmer Bernstein - Who’s the stiff (Meeting 1)
24. Elmer Bernstein - Oh, he’s a scientist (I Respect You)
25. Elmer Bernstein - The terror dog statue comes to life (The Best One In Your Row)
26. Laura Branigan - Hot night
27. Elmer Bernstein - Oh shit (Attack)
28. The Trammps - Disco inferno
29. Elmer Bernstein - Help! There’s a bear loose in my apartment! (Who brought the dog)
30. Elmer Bernstein - Somebody let me in! (Chased by a bear)
31. Elmer Bernstein - Some moron brought a cougar to a party (Date)
32. Elmer Bernstein - I am Zuul (are you the keymaster)(Zuul part 2)
33. Elmer Bernstein - I am Vinz Clortho (are you the gatekeeper) (Steel drum)
34. Elmer Bernstein - Some news from the world of Gozer (News)
35. Elmer Bernstein - Judgment day
36. Elmer Bernstein - Shut off the protection grid (The protection grid)
37. Mick Smiley - Magic
38. Elmer Bernstein - The keymaster meets the gatekeeper (Meeting 2)
39. Alessi Brothers - Savin’ the day [extended - alternate take with horns]
40. Elmer Bernstein - You wanna play rough (Earthquake)
41. Alessi Brothers - Savin’ the day ('’crawling up from the hole'’ version)
42. Elmer Bernstein - Stairwell
43. Elmer Bernstein - Gozer the Gozerian (Gozer)
44. Elmer Bernstein - Heat ‘em up! (We’re going to save the world)
45. Elmer Bernstein - The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Mr. Stay Puft)
46. Elmer Bernstein - We’ll cross the streams (Final battle)
47. Elmer Bernstein - Somebody turn on the lights! (Finish)
48. Elmer Bernstein - I love this town! (End credits)
49. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters [instrumental]
Hey, guys. Lifelong Ghosthead here (first saw the movie in Italian, my first language, then English at the wee age of about 7 or 8). I was a little irritated that not only were some tracks from the 2019 release missing (which are included on the original 2006 release), they were also not in chronological order. I took it upon myself to actually compile an unofficial expanded edition based on all 3 sources using Simon Dragnes’s info as a template (his comment is dated 25 June 2019). Sounds much better not only having the cues in the correct sequence but also hearing the tracks unique to the bootleg which do not appear on the official releases (seriously - two tries and they made a mistake each time?).
A few years ago when Elmer’s score for the first film was released on Spotify I noticed one song missing plus the cues/themes weren’t in the order they appear in the film. I made my own playlist using the best info I could find at the time in order to hopefully add the missing song & put things in the right order.
Here’s the link to my playlist:
I’m not one to usually promote myself but I thought you & other Ghostheads might enjoy this plus if there is anything you feel I’ve missed or put out of order I would most gratefully appreciate whatever feedback you might have.
Yours with much appreciation,