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Ghostbusters 2016 Ghosts From Our Past Book Review

 By Paul Rudoff on Sep. 9, 2016 at 10:29 PM , Categories: Books, The 2016 Parody Remake

Ghosts from Our Past: Both Literally & Figuratively: The Study of the Paranormal by Andrew Sybil Shaffer and his two multiple personalities, "Erin Gilbert" and "Abby L. Yates" is a book published by Three Rivers Press, as a tie-in for the new Ghostbusters movie. The 5.25"x8" paperback tome, consisting of 222 pages, features text in a medium-sized font with lots of supportive black & white photos and drawings. This book carries a list price of $15.00 ($20.00 Canadian), but you can always find it a little cheaper at Amazon, where an eBook version is also available.


I received a lovely press kit from Penguin Random House (parent company of Three Rivers Press) containing a paperback copy of the book, a "Ghosts From Our Past" postcard signed by Andrew Shaffer, a business card from Zhu's Authentic Hong Kong Food (the restaurant beneath the Ghostbusters headquarters), an in-universe book cover postcard for "An Introduction to Ritual Summoning" by Alexander St. Pierre (different cards were sent to different reviewers), an apology letter from Kevin who admits that "some little spud" tried to eat the book, and a letter from marketing manager Kelsey Lawrence.


That letter from Kevin is actually a very clever way for Penguin Random House to address the remainder marks (the dabs of green ink they put on the side of the book), which are sometimes also used on promotional copies. Just include a letter from the Ghostbusters' secretary Kevin saying that it was Slimer's fault. Why, this could be a new meme.

UPDATE - 9/15/2016
Additional information provided by Andrew Shaffer after he read this review as originally posted.

ANDREW: The green dots weren't "remainder marks" -- I specifically asked Penguin to "slime" the books (they used green food coloring). Though it would be a smart way to handle remainder marks in the future, wouldn't it?

Getting on to the book itself, you may notice that the cover looks distressed and ripped. That is intentional for the real-world version of the book. Trust me, it's minty fresh. The torn portion, revealing the No Ghost Logo, was done to indicate that it's Ghostbusters-related to all those who don't know what movie it came from. Otherwise, Ghosts from Our Past could easily hide amongst other "legitimate" paranormal paperbacks. There's a glossy finish on the "real" cover and a matte finish on the torn-off parts. The back cover features an updated author photo of Abby (Melissa McCarthy) and Erin (Kristen Wiig) - the only photo of the cast you will find in the book. Astute movie-watchers will notice that this "updated edition" of the book is different from the one that appears in the movie (image below). Should you wish for your copy to look like the one Abby and Erin wrote in the mid-1990s, you can download a printable cover to use as a dust jacket on the real thing.


Cracking it open, we're greeted by an ad for the book on the inside front over, and a page of in-universe "praise". My favorite is this one:
"5 stars. Arrived on time. Good condition." - Amazon.com review
Although fictitious (at the time of the book's original June 28, 2016 release), it definitely feels like a real quote. There are too many idiots who think the Amazon review system is for seller feedback, and even bigger idiots working at Amazon who don't care to police the reviews for the right reasons - though Heaven forbid you include a URL in a legitimate review.

Ghosts from Our Past is the 2016 movie's version of Tobin's Spirit Guide, in the sense that it's a fictitious book in the movie's universe that now is a real book in our universe. It's kind of like the mature version of the Ghostbuster's Handbook, though it is more "historical", mixing in real facts with fiction, blurring the line between the two. It's ancillary to the new movie, and not a retelling of the new movie's story, so if you hate the new movie you may still like this book as it's more about ghosts and ghost hunting than anything with the name Feig on it.

The conceit of Ghosts from Our Past is that it's an updated version of the book Abby and Erin wrote in college back in the Summer of 1996. After the Ghostbusters became famous, Abby and Erin put the book back in print and had it updated not only by themselves, but with notes from Patty, Jillian, and Kevin. Their nemesis Martin Heiss (Bill Murray's character) even wrote a new foreword.

The updated version was "edited" by Andrew Shaffer, whom I've had the pleasure of exchanging e-mails with. Throughout this review you will find "sidebars" (though not on the sides) featuring information from Andrew that has either been pulled from our e-mails (with his permission) or from the Ghostbusters Wiki's interview (my compatriot Matt already asked him several things that was on my mind).

Although the book is written after the events of the movie, there isn't much in the way of spoilers. You'll find out a little about what happened to Bill Murray's character, and there are a couple mentions of Rowan, but it really wouldn't make much sense unless you've seen the film first. So, if you read this book first, you're not really spoiling anything because you won't know what's in the movie and what isn't. That said, I would suggest seeing the movie first as it will give you a better understanding of some things in the book.

Okay, now that all of the jibber-jabber is out of the way, let's use the Table of Contents to run through the book and share my thoughts on what you'll find inside.

New Foreword by Martin Heiss (page 11)

Martin Heiss is Bill Murray's skeptic character in the movie. Is he dead? Is he alive? That up for debate. Either way, he exists in some form as he wrote a few pages.

Introduction to the Revised Edition (page 15)

Abby and Erin explain what you're about to read and how it was updated. They state that "outside of the final chapter, however, we haven't touched much of the original text - leave the past alone, we say." Knowing that, there were some (but not many) seemingly anachronistic words/phrases that jumped out at me throughout the 1996-written portions of the book.

* Page 79 - "sick burn" and "frenemy".
   - Frenemy apparently dates back to 1953.
* Page 117 - abbreviaton of "d-bags" for the insult "douchebags".
* Page 129 - "get all up in your business".
* Page 131 - EMF meters were "popularized by TV ghost hunters".
   - I assume this is a reference to the American "Ghost Hunters" TV show, which didn't premiere until 2004. As far I can remember, there were no popular ghost shows in/by 1996 that used the equipment today's paranormal television shows are known for. It seems that the most popular paranormal television show of the 1990s that Abby & Erin would have watched was "Sightings" (a show I remember watching on Fox), and that was more about the stories and re-enactments, not ghost hunting as we know it today.
* Page 149 - "slow your roll"
   - Seems to have originated in rap lyrics as far back as 1990, so maybe Abby had heard it before a few times, but it doesn't seem like it would be a common part of her vocabulary.

Looking up the etymology of these words (for those that have origins listed online), some were first used before the 1990s. That said, having lived though the past nearly 40 years, I don't recall ever hearing these words/phrases in common/popular use until the 2000s. Out of curiosity, more than anything else, I asked Andrew about it.
PAUL: Did Abby & Erin "rewrite" any of the original book text, and include more modern phrases/references in it as a result? I'm under the impression that they didn't, as they left in references to the now-deleted orb photos, bulky cell phones and pagers. I'm thinking these were little slip-ups on your part and not intentional.

ANDREW: My first thought reading your question was, "It's a book about ghosts and the word 'frenemy' is the most unrealistic part?!" But I totally get where you're coming from -- it's the little details that can knock you out of the moment sometimes. As a writer, if you can get the little things right, it makes it easier to swallow the big lies...

There were a few updates throughout -- for instance, the chapters have been re-ordered and new intros to each part are included at the behest of their "editor" (me). They also cut out the line, "This book is not a joke," both because Erin was sensitive about it and because that line wasn't in the script I was working off of (I believe it was ad-lib or written on set). For the most part, though, the main text is supposedly "as is" from the original...or at least that's what we were going for.

Some phrases I remember using in high school (around the time Abby and Erin were in college), such as "slow your roll" and "sick burn." I was a big rap fan -- as was Abby, who did some freestyling with a certain Mr. Mathers. "Frenemy" wasn't a word I remember hearing until the 2000s, but it was used in their updated character bio provided by the studio, so I added it in the book for a little consistency.

I didn't do any research on actual ghost hunting television shows, so I'll take your word that there weren't any around in the early to mid-90s. I do know that EMF meters (and digital cameras) were being used by some paranormal researchers at the time, so that's what I based the line off.
There are some things that conflict with the other official books. The new introduction says that Abby and Erin "printed a truckload of copies" of Ghosts from Our Past, whereas the adult novel by Nancy Holder said that they only printed two (one for each of them) and had a copy stolen from the print-on-demand publisher. This book also gives the name of the campus talk show as "Wolverine Scene", but the Holden novel and the movie's deleted scene both say that it was "Best Reads On the Quad". Obviously, what was committed to film trumps any of the books, so this seems to be the only instance where I wouldn't take Ghosts from Our Past as canon above the other official books - especially when you consider that the filmmakers lent their input to it.
ANDREW: As a tie-in that exists "in world" in the movie, the studio and filmmakers were much more hands-on with "Ghosts from Our Past." I wrote the backstory chapters, and Paul Feig read them and suggested changes. (Katie Dippold also read an outline and suggested scenes, etc.) Paul also did an edit on the final draft to bring them closer to his and Katie's vision. I'm not saying it's "canon," but it's close to it.

I wish we'd been able to sync up the backstory in GFOP and the adult novelization, but that didn't happen for whatever reason. I really believe it comes down to the studio treating novelizations as "adaptations" and not canon, but that's my (admittedly biased) opinion. I've read Nancy's book and think she really nailed the characters, even if she went in a different direction and didn't have the advantage of having direct contact with Paul and Katie. Obviously, it's a little bit of a confusing situation for readers who have read both books.
UPDATE - 9/15/2016
Additional information provided by Andrew Shaffer after he read this review as originally posted.

ANDREW: I'd totally missed the "Wolverine Scene" being changed in the movie (or in the deleted scene, actually). It was "Wolverine Scene" in the script, but apparently they changed it on set. Nancy got to watch a few clips at Ghost Corps while writing her novelization, and I'm guessing that was how the change made it into her book (but not mine).
One of my big issues with the adult novel by Nancy Holder was how it messed up the timeline of the characters. Putting Abby and Erin as seniors in high school in 2001 is obviously wrong to anyone who watched the new movie, even if you didn't know that Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig were born in 1970 and 1973, respectively. I was ecstatic that Andrew was actually mindful of the character's ages as it related to factual events. Using clues he left in the book, I determined that the book was either written in the Summer of 1996 or 1997, and sure enough, I was correct.
ANDREW: The original edition of Ghosts from Our Past was written and published in summer 1996, after Abby and Erin had both finished their undergraduate work at the University of Michigan. If you look through the bibliography, there aren't any books published after 1996.
The timeline for the book should look like this:
• Erin and Abby - DOB 1974 (approximate -- we don't have exact DOBs)
• Erin and Abby - Greta incident in 1982, not 1985
• Erin and Abby - age 19 (approximately) - X-Files premiered 1993 - sophomore year
• Erin and Abby - age 22 - graduate 1996 and write GFOP over the summer
• Erin and Abby - age 22 (approximately) - leave for graduate school

At least that's how it fits together in my mind.

(via Ghostbusters Wiki's interview)
Part 1: Our Stories (page 19)
Part 1 - At a Glance (page 21)

Chapter 1: Ghost Girl: That One Time I Saw a Ghost (For Real) - Erin's Story (page 22)

The first part of the book is the fictional backstories for Abby and Erin, starting with Erin. The basic facts of the backstory are the same - mean neighbor lady died and haunted Erin every day for a year, causing her to see a therapist and get teased as "Ghost Girl" from her classmates - but everything else is totally different from the Holder adult novel. There was no rooster or dog, Erin had "friends" and it was Halloween, and the neighbor was named Gretta DeMille instead of Mrs. Barnard. I like Shaffer's version better because it was a little more to the point and felt like what a kid would remember.

The reason for the differing backstories is because none of them were in the script. This was something I asked Andrew about while prepping to do my review of the Holder novel.
ANDREW: The only backstory in the script was that Erin saw a ghost when she was eight. It was a "mean lady from next door," who tormented her at night for a full year. Nobody believed her, and her parents put her in therapy. The other kids called her "Ghost Girl." Abby transferred to Erin's school junior year and they did a science fair project together, which included a rap about ghosts. Following their undergraduate graduation from college, they wrote "Ghosts from Our Past" together, but Erin was too embarrassed to show up on a campus talk show to promote it, and they didn't talk for years afterward.

All the backstory was related in a page or two of dialogue, so there weren't any flashbacks. No name for the neighbor woman in the script, no rooster or dog or trick-or-treating, no abandoned house or researcher, etc.

The author of the adult novelization had free rein to add whatever backstory she wanted. She also added several scenes that weren't in the script, such as Erin walking through Times Square in her uniform and being mistaken for a cosplayer. From what I understand, the filmmakers weren't involved (although she got to visit Ghost Corps and see some test footage, I believe).
The book is filled with supportive drawings and photos but no movie stills, other than the exterior of Aldridge Mansion and the equipment blueprints that pop up later on. Other than the author's photo on the back cover, you won't find any cast photos in the book. All of the drawings were done by an uncredited Steven Salerno, according to Andrew.


As for the photos, some are authentic archival photos, like the photo of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini. Others are new, like this one of 8-year old Erin in a ghost "costume".

PAUL: Who's under the Erin Ghost Costume photo on page 25?

ANDREW: That's my wife, novelist Tiffany Reisz. We threw a sheet over her and photographed her in the backyard last spring. No idea what the neighbors thought...
Chapter 2: Curious Georgina: Portrait of a Young Supernatural Scientist - Abby's Story (page 32)

Abby's childhood story is never told in the Holder adult novel, the junior novel, or the movie. It is unique to Ghosts from Our Past. Without spoiling it, I'll just say that it involves Abby going into the woods to find the Blair Witch...no wait, Warwick Davis...well, you'll just have to read to find out what she does or doesn't find. It started off a little boring, but got better by the time she met Erin and entered the part of the story that I'm more familiar with.

Chapter 3: The Metaphysical Examination Society - Our Story (page 42)

This is the point where Abby and Erin are together, and their trials and tribulations in high school and college. As previously stated, Shaffer does a great job of keeping their timeline in check with ours, using stuff like "The X-Files" TV series (1993) and "The Net" movie (1995) and an rebate offer expiration date of "10/31/97" to clue you in as to when everything is taking place.

We also get the rap they performed at their high school science fair. I'm pretty sure this is the same as in the two novelizations, but I have no interest in checking, so I'll just assume this came from the script.

Spoken Word Intro

Erin: Oh my God, Abby. Look at that ghost. It's so big. It looks like one of those composite ghosts.
Abby: Whoa, you're blowin' people's minds, E. A composite what?
Erin: A composite ghost, which consists of multiple interconnected entities.
Abby: There's, like, seriously brain matter all over this room right now. Minds be blowin' up for real. Who knew there were different types of ghosts?
Erin and Abby: (together) We knew!
Erin: Yo. How many different types of ghosts we got, A?

Verse (Abby)

Humanoids, vapors, several dozen more
Free-roaming, anchored, are you keeping score?
Possessing, repeating, alone or in swarms
Powerful metaspecters changing forms

Chorus (Erin)

Ain't nuthin' but a ghost thang, baby
We ain't talking 'bout no Patrick Swayze
Ghosts are real, there ain't no "maybe"
Why does everybody say we crazy?
UPDATE - 9/15/2016
Additional information provided by Andrew Shaffer after he read this review as originally posted.

ANDREW: The only part of the rap that was in the script was "Humanoids, vapors, several dozen more, Free-roaming, anchored, are you keeping score?" The rest of what was in my book was what I added to that. I assumed they would adlib something on set (since the scene was deleted, no idea if they did...). In the audiobook, the narrators actually "perform" the rap!
Part 2: Our Research (page 55)
Part 2 - At a Glance (page 57)

Chapter 4: Ghosts Throughout History: Pondering the Preponderance of Paranormal Activity (page 58)

This is a history of ghost stories and alleged paranormal events throughout history. It can be a bit of a dry read, but is loosened up here and there with witty asides from Abby and Erin. Chapters like this one, and the one that follows, prove that even if you don't like Ghostbusters or the new movie, you may still like this book if you have an interest in the real-life paranormal.

Chapter 5: Paranormal Investigators: A Look Back (page 70)

This is a history of of ghost hunters and paranormal investigators. Even with the witty remarks, I found this section to be the driest of the entire book. That said, there was some fun to be had. On page 80, when describing ghost hunter Harry Price, Abby and Erin say that, "according to his critics, his theories were the worst kind of popular tripe, his methods were sloppy, and his conclusions highly questionable." I guess he was also a poor scientist.


Chapter 6: A Scientific Exploration: Introducing Spectral Field Theory (page 84)

Abby and Erin explain the science behind ghosts.

On page 86, it is written that "no journal has the ovaries to print" the Yates-Gilbert Spectral Field Theory. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who realizes that ovaries is the female equivalent to balls in the expression. This is one, of a few times, throughout the book, that you will be reminded that you're reading a book "written by women". While not as bad as the movie's constant reminders of gender, I did notice it enough times that it jumped out at me. I'm not anti-feminism (far from it), but I don't need to be reminded of it so damn much. It's when you don't point it out, and don't make an issue of it, and no one gives it a second thought, that you truly achieve gender equality.

Chapter 7: Unnatural Anthropology: The Evolution of Supernatural Taxonomy (page 96)

A history of ghosts historians and their classifications of ghost reports. Here we learn that Martin Heiss (Bill Murray's character) has a family history of paranormal investigation.

Chapter 8: Vengeful Spirits and the Dangers of Their Return to Our World: Case Studies of Malevolent Entities (page 104)

Now we get to the meat of the book, and where it really starts to become of interest to Ghostheads of all eras. This is the ghost classification based on the work of Maureen Kemp, this universe's counterpart to John Horace Tobin. Kemp's Spectral Field Guide, from Class I to Class VII is pretty much the same classification system we know from the original film's lore. Not a surprise, considering it was published in 1984 when "a bevy of paranormal-themed movies debuted that summer". Class 7 VII entities listed include such The Real Ghostbusters notables as Cthulhu and Apshai.


Part 3: Our Methods (page 123)
Part 3 - At a Glance (page 125)

Chapter 9: Paratechnology: A Primer (page 126)
The Ghostbusters' Arsenal: An Update by Jillian Holtzmann (page 135)

The methods of a ghost hunter/ghostbuster, starting with the tools of the trade. Not only does this section include Abby and Erin's original list of equipment, but there are a few new pages detailing the Ghostbusters' equipment (PKE Meter, Proton Pack, Ghost Trap) written by Jillian Holtzmann.


Chapter 10: Preparing for the Metaphysical Examination: Choosing a Location (page 140)
Haunted History: Case Studies by Patty Tolan (page 145)

You can have all of the equipment in the world, but it's no good if you don't have a place to use it. Here we learn how to find a haunted location, the different types, and what to expect. Patty Tolan chimes in with new information about some real and "real" haunted locations, including the Aldridge Mansion (with the only photo from the movie).


Chapter 11: Conducting the Metaphysical Examination: A Methodical Examination (page 148)

You have the tools, you have the location, but do you have the talent? Here Abby and Erin tell you what you should, and shouldn't, do while conducting your examination. If it wasn't already obvious, this chapter, and the two that precede it, read like pages out of a Beginners Guide to Ghost Hunting. If you've watched "Ghost Hunters", or any shows of its ilk in the past 15 years, a lot of the stuff that's been said will be very familiar to you.

Chapter 12: Attracting the Paranormal: Luring Spirits from the Other Side (page 158)

How to lure spirits, and why that would be a very bad idea. On page 166, in what is actually a very clever bit of meta-editing, the supposed Spectral Field Theory in the original book, which Rowan used to break the ghost barrier and bring forth the Fourth Cataclysm, has been blacked out with a note explaining why. In their "final word" (page 167), Abby and Erin refer to themselves, and like-minded individuals reading the book, as Ghostheads. This is one of two uses of the word in the book (not counting the Acknowledgments section).


New Afterword: Anyone Can Be a Scientist (page 169)

Did you know that the melting point of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure is somewhere between 761 and 3,591 degrees Fahrenheit? Is that more or less than the melting point of a Kenner Real Ghostbusters action figure? Please don't desecrate any of those keepsakes to find out! There's a possible Ghostbusters reference when it is mentioned that Albert Einstein worked as a clerk in the Swiss patent office to fund his research.

The day before I read this book, Raffaele and I were discussing the Ghostbusters dying and then coming back to "fight the good fight" from the other side (as I seem to remember them doing in IDW's "The Other Side" series). How weird that on page 171, Abby and Erin say that "nothing can stop us - not even death. Because we'll do everything in our power to come back to this world and continue our work. Then we'd really be breaking new ground."

Epitaph to the Revised Edition by Kevin (page 173)

The Ghostbusters' stupid secretary Kevin Beckman writes a brief epitaph, though he doesn't know what that is. I don't think Abby or Erin do, either, as an epitaph is "something written or said in memory of a dead person; especially words written on a gravestone". Maybe Kevin thought he was writing an epitaph for Patrick Swayze, because that's the primary subject of this chapter. This is a pointless chapter, just like the character who wrote it, but it's an extremely brief joke chapter, so it's harmless. By the way, if you're keeping track, all members of the Ghostbusters have some kind of input in the revised edition.

Ghostbusting Resources (page 175)
     - Paranormal Quickstart Guide (page 177)
     - Sample Waiver of Liability for Metaphysical Examinations (page 178)
     - Is It a Ghost? A Handy Quiz (page 179)
     - Kemp's Spectral Classification Table (page 182)
     - Parapercipient Interview Form (page 185)
     - Supernatural Stakeout Journal (page 188)
     - The Devil's Dictionary: Paraterminology You Need to Know (page 191)
     - Notes (page 201)

Various little things to give "added value" to the book (and pad it out a little). The Interview Form (6 pages) and Stakeout Journal (10 pages) are 16 pages that are almost entirely blank, save for ruled lines and a few questions (in the form). The Kemp Classification that was detailed earlier in the book is abbreviated into table form for quick reference. I am really surprised that, although the book briefly mentions the T1 to T5 physical interactivity scale in two places, there is no explanation of it. It's only been explained in the Ghostbuster's Handbook.
UPDATE - 9/15/2016
Additional information provided by Andrew Shaffer after he read this review as originally posted.

ANDREW: T1 through T5 was something we were going to include in the book originally, but it kind of fell by the wayside as I couldn't figure out a way to make it logical (the handbook author, obviously, found their own take on it).
Bibliography (page 211)

List of sources used to create the book. There are a few faux entries, such as the 1989 book by author Hollis Queens (I wonder if he was a Run DMC fan) and the Handbook For The Recently Deceased (I thought the Maitland's had the only copy).
PAUL: Is there anything in the Bibliography that is a real source you used for writing the book? I recognized a lot of fake entries, so I know that it's not 100% real.

ANDREW: Yes! Everything that's not a fake book was actually used in writing "Ghosts from Our Past." It's a real bibliography, with a dozen or so faux books thrown in to make things interesting (and a few existing fictional books, such as the Recently Deceased handbook).
Acknowledgments (page 215)
Photography Credits (page 217)

Thanks Yous and credits for the photos used throughout. A lot of the photos came from Shutterstock, in case you want to track them down.

About the Authors (page 219)

Fictitious mini-biographies for Erin Gilbert, Ph.D., M.S.; Abby L. Yates, Ph.D.; and Andrew Shaffer R.S.V.P. Apparently that last guy is a Sharknado expert. Who knew? I guess this guy did:

Excerpt from Erin and Abby's Forthcoming Book, A Glimpse into the Unknown (page 221)

The book ends with a two-page preview of Abby's and Erin's new book, and just like Kevin's epitaph, it's a joke chapter that ultimately is pointless, but cute.

Final Thoughts

Overall, a great book, and certainly different from the rest of the books that have come out related to the new movie. Your enjoyment of it will depend on how much interest you have in the paranormal, as this is more about ghosts than ghost busting. It's available in print and eBook form at Amazon. You can buy a signed copy at Jan's Paperbacks. It's also available as an Audiobook, but I did not check that out because I know how to read.

[UPDATE - 12/16/2016]
I received this awesome handmade Santa Slimer holiday card from author Andrew Shaffer. Completely unexpected, but totally cool. The message inside was, "Paul - Happy holidays to you & your crew! - Andrew Shaffer". A signed Ghosts From Our Past cover postcard and Zhu's Authentic Hong Kong Food business card were tucked inside the card.


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