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« Running Press' Ghostbusters Light-Up Slimer ReviewGhostbusters: The Video Game Xbox 360 July 8, 2008 Beta Videos »

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Xbox 360 March 23, 2009 Beta Videos

 By Paul Rudoff on Aug. 14, 2024 at 12:00 PM , Categories: Games

In software development, "Beta" versions are compiled in order to see how the project is shaping up, garner feedback and work out bugs, or to have something to demonstrate to others. These work-in-progress "prototypes" can be used to determine where changes need to be made. For Ghostbusters: The Video Game (2009), several pre-release versions are known to exist. Today, I will look at the video assets from one of them.

From what I've read, the final build of Ghostbusters: The Video Game was compiled on May 10, 2009. I don't know if that is correct, and if it is, it may only be applicable to the Xbox 360 (and PlayStation 3?) version of the game. All of the files on the PC game disc are dated May 26, 2009. The final game was released on June 16, 2009.

The Xbox 360 beta version I will be examining today pre-dates the final release by three months. This article will not be a complete deep dive into this beta release, but rather just a look at the videos that it contains. I may take a look at the image, audio, and other assets at a later date. For now, let's take a look at the 54 .ogv (Ogg Video) files that are found in the "videos" folder (six in the "mp" subfolder). The videos in this build are much closer to the final release, but most are different. It is also worth noting that many of the cutscenes include developer's notes on changes to be made, and that these cutscenes are in a 1.78:1 aspect ratio, but they were matted into a 2.35:1 aspect ratio for the final version.

(comparison between beta [top] and final [bottom] of file "cs_fh1_02")

Unlike my report on the July 8, 2008 beta, this list will be alphabetical because this beta actually appears to be the entire game! I'm not gonna try to re-sort this many files by game order, especially trying to do it off the top of my head! Descriptions use text that is somewhat spoiler-free, which is the same text I use elsewhere on the site. Click on the filenames to view the video over the page. Do be aware that menu videos have no audio. Also, I did not screenshot every video, but for those that I did, click on the screenshot for a full-size enlargement. Finally, when I make a comparison to the final version, I am comparing this Xbox 360 beta build to the PC final build. It is assumed that the final Xbox 360 version uses the same video assets as the PC. Some differences were originally noted by Mike Jeez. One more note: Four videos from the final version ("fh02_scene", "fh03_scene", "fh04_scene", "fh05_scene") do not appear in this build.


attract_vid.ogv (2:15, 960x540, 105 MB) - Gameplay Montage, plays when you leave your system at the start-up No Ghost logo screen - between the logos and the main menu - for 90 seconds. This video is different from the same-named file in the final version.


CS_CEM_02.ogv (0:22, 1280x720, 6.59 MB) - Pre-vis cutscene of Ray and the Rookie in the cemetery. This file can also be found in the final game assets.

CS_Cem_06.ogv (0:16, 960x540, 4.93 MB) - Guys zapping the final boss' first form. Notes: "Camera cuts pop - re-cap with No Tween XEX"

CS_CEM_07.ogv (0:57, 960x540, 16.6 MB) - Key is wrangled into place, Ray talks to the Rookie about destructor forms. Notes: "FPS problem in capture causing Audio not to be synced"

CS_EXT_01.ogv (0:44, 1280x720, 7.01 MB) - Ray in security office, gives museum history.


CS_FH1_01.ogv (0:30, 1280x720, 8.44 MB) - Rough cutscene of Janine on the phone. The shot of the empty lab area is replaced with Janine at her desk in the final game's assets. After Janine hangs up on the caller, she talks with the Rookie in a bit that was cut from the final file.

CS_FH1_01a.ogv (1:00, 960x540, 24.6 MB) - Ray tries on experimental equipment, the Rookie is welcomed, he straps on the experimental pack, something happens. Notes: "Dialog needs to be re-timed, replace shockwave effect, Needs SFX pass"

(comparison between beta [top] and final [bottom])

CS_FH1_02.ogv (0:38, 960x540, 11.4 MB) - Getting into Ecto-1, heading off to the Sedgewick Hotel, set to unused Bernstein cue. Notes: "FH04****"


CS_FH4_01.ogv (1:09, 1280x720, 18.5 MB) - Arrival at the Sedgewick Hotel, reading P.C.O.C sign on door. Music is missing, Sedgewick exterior shot is dark (no lighting) and has a ghostbuster standing in front of it whom the Ecto-1 passes right through.

CS_FH5_01.ogv (0:11, 1280x720, 3.23 MB) - Racing off in Ecto-1, set to unused Bernstein cue.

CS_H1_05.ogv (0:15, 1280x720, 2.70 MB) - Pre-Vis Cutscene: Peter in kitchen; the Kitchen Golum forms itself.

CS_H1_06.ogv (0:47, 960x540, 17.7 MB) 0 Taking a breather in Sargassi's seafood restaurant, Stay Puft appears outside. Notes: "Room box pops when camera points towards windows, Needs Prop 180 spin"


CS_H1_07.ogv (0:35, 960x540, 11.0 MB) - Climbing the hotel stairs, Sargassi goes fishing. Notes: "add light fixtures to match lights, missing some sound fx, Rookie hose clips on stairs"

CS_H2_01.ogv (0:35, 960x540, 12.5 MB) - Spider Witch ghost in hotel lobby, the guys talk to the manager who tells them her story. Notes: "Audio is not synced, Knife in hand needs adjustment, shot 2 needs camera adjustment to frame SW, shot 3 victim's right fingers need animation for adjusting the tie, ghost need fx for entering door, hot light on final two shots near manager"

CS_H2_02.ogv (0:50, 1280x720, 12.5 MB) - Examining the Spider Witch's lair.

CS_H2_03.ogv (0:30, 1280x720, 6.25 MB) - The Spider Witch is defeated.

CS_LI_01.ogv (1:07, 960x540, 23.8 MB) - While in Shandor's castle, the guys see Ilyssa in a painting.


CS_LI_02.ogv (0:28, 1280x720, 5.50 MB) - While in Shandor's castle, the guys come across an ancient cathedral-type building, the Rookie falls through a trap door. This is a very rough animatic and pre-viz version of the cutscene, which uses the Rookie model to "portray" all of the Ghostbusters!


CS_LIB_01.ogv (1:03, 960x540, 26.7 MB) - Driving down the street in Ecto-1, Janine radios in about a news report, heading to the library. Notes: "Lighting pass, Facial pass"

CS_LIB_04.ogv (1:23, 960x540, 37.5 MB) - Coming out of a portal in the library, Winston was worried, occult symbol appears on the wall. The hose on Egon's Proton Pack has a mind of its own!

CS_LIB_05.ogv (1:12, 960x540, 13.8 MB) - Winston in the Periodicals section researching The Collector.

CS_MUS_01.ogv (0:32, 1280x720, 9.13 MB) - The opening cutscene of "Museum of (Super)Natural History" level features reporter Harrison Twysack reporting live from the museum gala on a TV on the first floor of the firehouse. The Ghostbusters pile into the Ecto-1 and drive off for the museum. This is a completely different video than the one of the same name from the final version, which features the guys and Illysa in the firehouse kitchen talking about the mayor.

CS_MUS_02.ogv (0:21, 960x540, 7.10 MB) - Ghost in the elevator, possesses Ray.

CS_MUS_03.ogv (1:35, 1280x544, 28.2 MB) - Peck and the Ghostbusters have words in the museum, Illysa gets into trouble, the mayor shows up (with a hat!). The final game doesn't have a file named "cs_mus_03", but this cutscene is equivalent to the file "gb05". A few differences, besides the mayor wearing a top hat. Before Peter jokes "Why do the good ones always play hard to get?", he says "Boys, what can I say, I get up for girls that get up." There is a shot of the Beauty Queen Ghost before she flies down and possesses Walter Peck through the butt! In the final version, the ghost just grabs Peck. The possessed Peck does some ballet moves before talking in gibberish. Differing shots here and there.

CS_PAR_06.ogv (1:35, 1280x720, 25.3 MB) - At the parade, the mayor, Peck, and the Ghostbusters discuss what's going on. This video shows the original use of the dialog from the Thanksgiving Day Parade level that would have followed the Museum level. Surprisingly, although the level was deleted, this video file actually appears among the final game's assets.

CS_PAR_07.ogv (1:16, 1280x720, 22.5 MB) - At the parade, Peck yells at the Ghostbusters, Egon takes readings of him. This video shows the original use of the dialog from the Thanksgiving Day Parade level that would have followed the Museum level. Surprisingly, although the level was deleted, this video file actually appears among the final game's assets.

CS_TS_05.ogv (0:53, 960x540, 19.3 MB) - Ray and the Rookie inside an elevator with two businessmen. There is a fog in the lobby that is missing from the final version.

CS_TS_07.ogv (1:10, 960x540, 28.5 MB) - Stay Puft falls down, the guys discuss him coming back up for revenge. Notes: "Ilyssa Facial Animation Missing"

(comparison between beta [top] and final [bottom])

CS_TS_08.ogv (1:54, 960x540, 54.0 MB) - Flaming Stay Puft hat, Illysa and the guys talking on the marshmallow-covered street, Peter hits on her and introduces the rest of the team. Some different shots, as seen in the above comparison.

demoexit.ogv (2:15, 960x540, 105 MB) - Same as "attract_vid". Based on the file name, I assume this plays when the demo in this beta build finishes.

extras.ogv (0:27, 1280x720, 7.79 MB, no audio) - The background video that plays under the Extras menu.


gb01.ogv (2:09, 1280x544, 38.3 MB) - Opening museum scene, title on Ectomobile driving. A few differences: The commercial includes Egon laying on the hood of Ecto-1 in a pose saying "Serving all your supernatural elimination needs 24 hours a day" right before everyone says "Ghostbusters! We're ready to believe you! - a line he said in the Stylized Version, too. When Peter mentions franchises, the No Ghost logo is on the back of his jumpsuit. In the final version, there is no logo on his back. The "1991" caption is not there. There is a wide shot of the security guard in the monitoring station. Russell has an extra line - "If you're dressed as Attila the Hun again, I'm going to smack you" - like in the Stylized version. The title appears, but no cast credits. There's a shot of a dirty logo on the door. The bit with Janine on the phone from the same-named final file is missing here because it was originally in another video file ("CS_FH1_01").

gb02.ogv (0:33, 960x540, 9.43 MB) - The guys walk out of the Sedgewick Hotel and see Stay Puft walking down the street, "It wasn't me this time, I swear it".

gb03.ogv (1:04, 1280x544, 18.8 MB) - Ray and Egon driving Ecto-1, the other guys walk alongside, all towards Times Square where Stay Puft is throwing cars and causing havok. Includes extra dialog between Ray saying "Times Square, post-urban renewal. All shiny and clean. I love it!" and Peter saying "Say, is that him?", Peter reminisces about the old Times Square having bars, adult shops, and bookstores and wonders where they all went. Winston answers "New Jersey." Peter makes a mental note to go over there.

gb04.ogv (0:59, 1280x544, 24.8 MB) - Ray, Egon, and the Rookie enter the library ghost's lair, "That's your cue, Killer".

gb05.ogv (1:35, 1280x544, 28.2 MB) - Same as "cs_mus_03".

gb06.ogv (1:51, 1280x544, 34.6 MB) - Illysa in Peter's arms, the guys barge in, Egon's discovers that "the ghost world is beginning to push through multiple cross portals from their world into ours", which Peter sees as meaning "more overtime", a fat ghost gets loose and Illysa is escorted by Winston to safety. A notable difference here is that after Peter's kiss with Ilyssa is interrupted, he drops her/shoves her onto the floor, which she is naturally upset about.

gb08.ogv (1:24, 1280x544, 23.9 MB) - In the Ecto-8 boat on a quest to seal the Mandala, a huge structure rises out of the water, "Nobody enjoys rushing headlong towards their death than this fella". This version includes some additional dialog in between Egon explaining they are after the final node and Peter saying he's not seeing anything. Winston points out the absurdity of the final node being in the middle of the Hudson River, then Ray goes on about how it hardly took any work to keep Marine Ecto-8 on top of the water again and reminds them he kept saying Marine Ecto-8 would come in handy. Peter quips, "Sure you did, Ray." Ray's line appears at the start of the Stylized version of the cutscene. When Peter says "You want me to come along?", before he claims he was making a nice gesture, just like in the Stylized version.

gb09.ogv (0:27, 1280x544, 6.72 MB) - Barely escaping from the lost island, Ray over-enthusiastically wants to know the details.


gb10.ogv (1:01, 1280x544, 17.8 MB) - Driving towards Central Park, tombstones pop up in the park, "Just once, I wouldn't mind running with these other fools away from the trouble". The final version starts on Winston's line, but here the scene opens with a shot of Ecto-1 driving down the street with a multitude of ghosts flying behind. Also, after Peter's line, "Where's the fun in that?", Ray (in the backseat) turns around and gives Peter an approving thumbs up.

gb11.ogv (1:29, 1280x544, 23.7 MB) - The guys enter a lair to find Illysa tied-up and someone is possessed by the big boss. [MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!!]

(comparison between beta [top] and final [bottom])

gb12.ogv (2:36, 1280x544, 44.7 MB) - The final battle, the world is saved, stuff happens. [MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!!] A major difference here is that the big boss' final form is different than in the final version. Here it is more like a Roman statue, whereas in the final version, it is more devil-like. The bad guy gets sucked into a portal, while it is destroyed in the final version. When Walter Peck demands to be freed, Peter says, "That's our cue. It is officially our time to go", before they leave it up to the Rookie to decide.

H1_Ballroom_Demo_Intro.ogv (0:36, 1280x720, 18.7 MB) - Exterior of the Sedgewick Hotel with Ecto-1 parked outside, Peter talks with the hotel manager outside of the Alhambra Ballroom while the Rookie looks on. I seem to recall this conversion being handled as an in-game event in the final game and not as a pre-rendered cutscene. As such, this video does not exist in the final game, and based on the filename, I assume this beta build included a demo in the Sedgewick ballroom.

home.ogv (0:25, 1280x720, 5.80 MB, no audio) - Front of firehouse, no audio, main menu background.

load.ogv (0:10, 1280x720, 1.80 MB, no audio) - Inside firehouse on the side of Ecto-1, no audio, Career screen background.

loading.ogv (1:05, 1280x720, 6.77 MB) - Still images from the game with equipment blueprints over them; used as the Loading screen in the game. Completely different, though conceptually the same, as the same-named video in the final version. The final version uses gameplay video and 3D equipment models instead of stills.

logo.ogv (1:06, 960x540, 15.0 MB) - Start-Up Logos: Terminal Reality logo sucked into trap, Infernal Engine, Atari, Columbia, Sony Pictures Consumer Products, Threewave.

options.ogv (0:27, 1280x720, 5.65 MB, no audio) - Side of firehouse, no audio, Options menu background.


Since these are in a subfolder named "mp", I assume that these are all multiplayer loading screens. These files do not exist in the final PC version. Given that there is no multiplayer in the PC version, that makes sense, though I'm surprised they weren't left on the disc anyway. Much like the main game's "loading" video, these are all gameplay still image slideshows set to the Ray Parker Jr. song, occasionally with equipment 3D models placed over the images. The file names refer to multiplayer game modes.


loading_containment.ogv (0:45, 1280x720, 8.61 MB)

loading_destruction.ogv (0:45, 1280x720, 7.84 MB)


loading_protection.ogv (0:45, 1280x720, 8.43 MB)


loading_slimedunk.ogv (0:45, 1280x720, 9.07 MB)

loading_survival.ogv (0:45, 1280x720, 8.17 MB)

loading_thief.ogv (0:45, 1280x720, 8.66 MB) -

All of these videos have .bik (Smacker/Bink Video) equivalents. These are the only videos that are available in both formats.
• loading_containment.bik (0:45, 1280x720, 10.7 MB)
• loading_destruction.bik (0:45, 1280x720, 10.7 MB)
• loading_protection.bik (0:45, 1280x720, 10.7 MB)
• loading_slimedunk.bik (0:45, 1280x720, 10.7 MB)
• loading_survival.bik (0:45, 1280x720, 10.7 MB)
• loading_thief.bik (0:45, 1280x720, 10.7 MB)

All 54 individual video files can be downloaded at the Internet Archive. The March 23, 2009 Beta can be downloaded at Hidden Palace or Internet Archive (3.8 GB). I think you need a modded Xbox 360 console or a working Xbox 360 emulator in order to play the beta.


There is a third Xbox 360 beta version, which was compiled on May 1, 2009 - just nine days before the final retail build. As expected, it is the same, or nearly the same, as the final build. Looking over the video files, it matches the PC version, only with the added Multiplayer Loading screens from the March 23, 2009 beta. Further adding to the pointlessness is that the original .ogv 1280x540 cutscene videos have multiple language audio tracks which I can not separate. With all of that in mind, I did not bother uploading the files, as you can just view the videos from the PC game page here on Spook Central and they will be the same. However, since I did download this beta, I compiled a list of its files and the specs for them.

attract_vid.ogv (1:01, 960x540, 27.8 MB)
CS_CEM_02.ogv (0:22, 1280x720, 6.59 MB)
CS_Cem_06.ogv (0:13, 1280x540, 7.82 MB)
CS_CEM_07.ogv (0:50, 1280x540, 24.9 MB)
CS_EXT_01.ogv (0:38, 1280x540, 20.2 MB)
CS_FH1_01.ogv (0:22, 960x540, 7.83 MB)
CS_FH1_01a.ogv (1:38, 1280x540, 52.4 MB)
CS_FH1_02.ogv (0:34, 1280x540, 18.5 MB)
CS_FH4_01.ogv (1:08, 1280x540, 52.9 MB)
CS_FH5_01.ogv (0:11, 1280x720, 3.23 MB)
CS_H1_05.ogv (0:15, 1280x720, 2.70 MB)
CS_H1_06.ogv (0:44, 1280x540, 29.0 MB)
CS_H1_07.ogv (0:32, 1280x540, 17.5 MB)
CS_H2_01.ogv (0:33, 1280x540, 19.8 MB)
CS_H2_02.ogv (0:49, 1280x540, 33.9 MB)
CS_H2_03.ogv (0:34, 1280x540, 24.1 MB)
CS_LI_01.ogv (1:03, 1280x540, 48.1 MB)
CS_LI_02.ogv (0:40, 1280x540, 28.1 MB)
CS_LIB_01.ogv (0:59, 1280x540, 45.5 MB)
CS_LIB_04.ogv (1:15, 1280x540, 58.3 MB)
CS_LIB_05.ogv (1:09, 1280x540, 25.7 MB)
CS_MUS_01.ogv (0:50, 1280x540, 26.6 MB)
CS_MUS_02.ogv (0:18, 1280x540, 11.2 MB)
CS_MUS_03.ogv (1:10, 1280x540, 36.7 MB)
CS_MUS_03a.ogv (1:26, 1280x540, 63.7 MB)
CS_MUS_03b.ogv (0:54, 1280x540, 39.8 MB)
CS_PAR_06.ogv (1:35, 1280x720, 25.3 MB)
CS_TS_05.ogv (0:50, 1280x540, 34.2 MB)
CS_TS_07.ogv (1:06, 1280x540, 49.1 MB)
CS_TS_08.ogv (1:50, 1280x540, 88.4 MB)
extras.ogv (0:27, 1280x720, 7.79 MB, no audio)
FH02_scene.ogv (3:46, 1280x540, 164 MB)
FH03_scene.ogv (2:00, 1280x540, 64.7 MB)
FH04_scene.ogv (2:37, 1280x540, 108 MB)
FH05_scene.ogv (1:51, 1280x540, 85.7 MB)
gb01.ogv (2:04, 1280x540, 75.0 MB)
gb02.ogv (0:28, 1280x540, 16.3 MB)
gb03.ogv (0:41, 1280x540, 21.5 MB)
gb04.ogv (0:58, 1280x540, 41.0 MB)
gb05.ogv (1:10, 1280x540, 36.7 MB)
gb06.ogv (1:27, 1280x540, 60.3 MB)
gb08.ogv (1:03, 1280x540, 33.5 MB)
gb09.ogv (0:19, 1280x540, 11.5 MB)
gb10.ogv (0:40, 1280x540, 24.8 MB)
gb11.ogv (1:14, 1280x540, 31.7 MB)
gb12.ogv (2:16, 1280x540, 71.5 MB)
home.ogv (0:25, 1280x720, 5.80 MB, no audio)
load.ogv (0:10, 1280x720, 1.80 MB, no audio)
loading.ogv (1:01, 960x540, 24.1 MB)
logo.ogv (1:02, 960x540, 17.5 MB)
options.ogv (0:27, 1280x720, 5.65 MB, no audio)
loading_containment.ogv (0:47, 1280x544, 7.93 MB)
loading_destruction.ogv (0:47, 1280x544, 7.62 MB)
loading_protection.ogv (0:47, 1280x544, 8.04 MB)
loading_slimedunk.ogv (0:47, 1280x544, 8.22 MB)
loading_survival.ogv (0:47, 1280x544, 7.48 MB)
loading_thief.ogv (0:47, 1280x544, 7.89 MB)

The May 1, 2009 Beta can be downloaded at Hidden Palace or Internet Archive (6.2 GB). I think you need a modded Xbox 360 console or a working Xbox 360 emulator in order to play the beta.

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