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Return of Shot on Site Summer - Ghostbusters 2016 Locations, Part 2 (Movie Rundown)
By Paul Rudoff on Jun. 10, 2018 at 12:00 PM , Categories: Filming Locations, The 2016 Parody Remake , Tags: gb2016locations
Welcome to Spook Central's continuing Return of Shot on Site Summer event wherein we take a look at all of the filming locations for Paul Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters (aka Ghostbusters: Answer The Call). Every Sunday - henceforth dubbed Shot on Site Sundays - at Noon (Eastern) for several weeks (all parts available here in reverse order), we will go through the entire movie from start to finish telling and showing you where everything was filmed in or around Boston, Massachusetts; with a great deal of quick shots in Manhattan, New York; and one spot in Los Angeles, California. We will be utilizing the Theatrical and Extended cuts of the movie from the Blu-ray, as that provides the most locations than just the Theatrical Cut alone. With that in mind, SPOILER WARNING if you read any further... though I suspect that whomever wants to see the movie already has, and those who want to avoid it won't care. Those in the latter camp have probably stopped reading this post already. That's cool. There's lots of material on Spook Central about the original movies and animated series for you to look at.
The majority of locations were identified and researched by Matthew Jordan back in 2016, way before anyone else did it. Secondary thanks go to all of the fine folks on the internet who documented the filming of the movie in 2015, which helped in Matt's research. A few locations were identified by me (Paul Rudoff) and MrMichaelT. The title graphic seen at the top was created by Matthew Jordan, based on an idea by Paul Rudoff. Now that that's out of the way, let us continue...
Upon learning about the haunting at the Aldridge Mansion, Erin, Abby, and Jillian go there and see a real ghost. They post video of an excited Erin, which does her no favors with her boss, who calls her into his office.
That's actually in the same place where Erin met Phil and Phyllis, and where she has her office. Dean Fillmore's office is the Dining Room of Stonehurst, the Robert Treat Paine Estate at 100 Robert Treat Paine Drive in Waltham, Massachusetts. The fireplace in the background is the key identifier.
After being fired, she leaves with her personal effects, walking down the hallway trying to hide her shame.
That hallway is located in the Administration Building of Emmanuel College at 404-488 Fenway in Boston. We do not have any interior hallway photos to show you, and it's pointless to show the exterior, so we'll move on to the next location...
A little later, we spy the Seward Street subway station entrance.
The key here is the Aangan restaurant in the background. Using that, we find this to actually be the subway entrance at 2701 Broadway in Manhattan for the 1 train.
Underground, Patty sits in her booth, greeting the passersby.
That's actually a set, and everything in the far background was added later on. There was a green screen there when it was filmed.
She follows Rowan onto the tracks.
Again, this is a set and the background was all green-screened in.
Here's a Times Square establishing shot.
This may be the only Times Square shot to actually be filmed in the real place. The camera is located on the pedestrian walkway right below West 43rd Street looking north.
We're introduced to one of the film's primary locations: the Mercado hotel.
The lower portion of the building, and the ones on both sides, actually exist...but you won't be able to visit them. They were part of a set built at the former Naval Air Station South Weymouth airfield off Patriot Parkway in Weymouth, Massachusetts. In the movie, the Mercado is listed as being at 1525 Broadway in Times Square. Based on its surroundings, if the Mercado existed in real-life, it would actually be where the Paramount building is at 1501 Broadway. (There's also another on-set photo taken by Gary Higgins on August 28, 2015 and posted to The Enterprise.)
The ladies decide to start a business: Conductors of the Metaphysical Examination. Every business needs a headquarters, and so the ladies find a realty agent to show them some prospective places. She shows them a familiar-looking firehouse in downtown Tribeca.
Yes, that the firehouse at 14 North Moore Street in Manhattan used as the exterior of Ghostbusters headquarters in both original movies.
Jillian and Abby love the spacious interior, but Erin is none too happy about the price.
In the original movies, the interior was a firehouse in Los Angeles. Sadly, that place has been abandoned and is no longer in use as a filming location. So, the filmmakers simply recreated it as a set (numbered 1236) inside the warehouse at 625 University Avenue in Norwood, Massachusetts. Below the behind-the-scenes photo are pieces of the blueprints that were posted by Jeffrey Shreck, Jr. to Twitter. They were drawn up by art director Lorin Fleming and set designer AJR/A. Avery on August 13, 2015.
Before I go any further, let's take a look at the exterior of that warehouse at 625 University Avenue in Norwood, Massachusetts that was used as a soundstage.
In addition to the firehouse set, this site also served for the exterior close-ups of Kevin getting possessed outside the firehouse, as seen in these behind-the-scenes shots.
We know that Kevin dancing on the Mercado overhang was filmed inside, as you can see that whole row of loading dock doors in the background with the distinctive dual-windows.
The Mercado lobby scenes were filmed inside, too, as noted on this call sheet posted by Jeffrey Shreck, Jr. to Twitter (rotation and perspective correction by me, Paul Rudoff).
PHEW! Now that the warehouse soundstage has been documented, let's continue...
Does Erin haggle with the realtor on the price? Are sexual favors exchanged? Find out next week - same ghost time, same ghost channel - when we continue our look at the filming locations from Ghostbusters (2016).
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