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[VIP FREE PREVIEW] Disc Preservation Project - Ghostbusters: The Video Game Tech Trailers DVD

This is a free preview of a Disc Preservation Project article, which is normally exclusive for Spook Central VIP members. The download links in this post will work for everyone, but future DPP articles will have download links that only VIPs can use.The Spook Central VIP Exclusives Area is the home to content that has been made exclusively available for supporters who pledge a monthly donation through the Spook Central Patreon page. Said content is either downloadable through the VIP Exclusives Area here or on the Patreon page, though I link to some exclusive content throughout Spook Central where appropriate. You can learn more about the Spook Central VIP Area in this blog post. The VIP articles that are posted on Spook Central, which are easily distinguishable by the "[VIP]" at the start of the article title, are readable by all visitors, but contain download links that will only work for VIP members. If you wish to download this content, become a supporter through the Spook Central Patreon page. With that out of the way, let's continue...
For many years, Spook Central has spearheaded the Ghostbusters PDF eBook Preservation Project, an effort among fans to preserve out-of-print Ghostbusters books so that pieces of the franchise's history are available to all, and are not lost to time, or held hostage by price-gouging aftermarket sellers. Thanks to the gracious amount of webspace provided by Raffaele, Spook Central is able to do the same with selected fan-made and promotional digital disc content. I have a few discs that are suitable for the Disc Preservation Project, though if the primary content from them ends up on an official, commercially-available, easy-to-obtain Blu-ray/DVD/whatever, then I won't include it in the project (or will remove it if it's already been included). This is about preservation, not piracy.
Originally, the plan was to make .ISO images files available, which could be downloaded and burned onto DVD-R discs, which would give you an exact copy of the original DVD. However, even with the gracious amount of webspace provided to Spook Central, I find that that may not be completely feasible in the long-term. Most of the disc images are 4GB each, and that adds up pretty quickly. Also, some people may not be able to to download files that large. There's also the concern that there may not be many dinosaurs like me left, who would prefer a "physical disc"-suitable file. With all of that in mind, I felt that the best thing for the project is to proceed with DVD-ripped .MKV video files of selected content from each disc. These files would have the same quality as the video on the disc (I won't recompress them), but they could be immediately played without the need to burn a disc or mount an image file. Anyone who does want the .ISO image files for all of the discs in the project, can buy the limited-edition physical flash drive release, which is a copy of my master flash drive for the small amount of people who may want those files.

Back when Sierra was publishing Ghostbusters: The Video Game, press kits were sent out to stores like GameStop and Best Buy. Among the few items in it was a DVD that showcased several technical demonstrations of what the game was capable of doing. Apparently, these were so rare that many Ghostheads didn't even know of the disc's existence. That is, until now.
It's a simple disc with a very plain menu consisting of the game logo, title, and three videos. All three videos were uploaded to YouTube a long time ago, albeit in VERY POOR QUALITY and displayed in a wonky letterboxed aspect ratio (since YouTube misinterpreted the 720x480 file). I will embed those YouTube uploads below, and under each will be a Download button linked to each high-quality DVD-ripped .MKV video file, which is in 16:9 anamorphic widescreen.
Originally, the release of this disc was a collaboration between Spook Central and Ghostbusters News back in June of 2011. It was from Jason that I got an ISO disc image of the original disc, as Sierra and/or Atari never sent one my way. While the Ghostbusters News article is still online, the disc image isn't. The link has been broken for many years, so I assume that Jason has no plans to put it back.
To supplement the disc image, I asked JoeGhostbuster if he'd take the original square paperboard sleeve and rearrange the artwork into artwork suitable for a standard DVD slim case. Below is that image file and a scan of the original disc face.
• Slim Case Liner
• Disc Face
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended with the content on this page. The presentation of disc content is done solely to preserve materials that are no longer being published, or in the case of fan-made discs, may have never been made available for public purchase in the first place. These materials will be lost and gone forever if the fans don't properly preserve them. Please note that the money paid to me as a Spook Central supporter is for my hard work in bringing this material to you since August 1996. You are not paying for the content itself. The money I receive is used to fund Spook Central and to pay for my living expenses.
1 comment
I was lucky enough to work at GameStop when that was sent out! I think I sent the entire box to Doreen at some point, minus the lanyard that was included, which I still have.
The crowd tech demo was really interesting to see, especially considering that there are NO crowds in the game! Maybe this would have just been in the parade level?
Sep. 29, 2019 @ 10:12
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