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Eaglemoss Hero Collector Build The Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Model Subscription Review - Issue #10
This is one of an ongoing series of reviews that looks at the "Build The Ghostbusters Ecto-1" model subscription from Eaglemoss, through their Hero Collector imprint. Let's take a closer look at Issue #10...
This review remains online for posterity only.
Deagostini's Fanhome brand took over the model after Eaglemoss went out of business.
Click here for updated purchase links and additional information.
Deagostini's Fanhome brand took over the model after Eaglemoss went out of business.
Click here for updated purchase links and additional information.
Starting with this issue, my subscription has been accelerated. I am now receiving three magazines and accompanying car part sets each month. As such, these reviews will be posted a bit more frequently; one a week (usually on Fridays) for three weeks each month. With the acceleration, I should be able to cover the entire subscription in one year's time instead of three years. That means that I'll get to the build report series a lot sooner :-)
My review of Issue #3 went over the concept of "issues" and "car parts", so be sure to read that if you need a better understanding of terms being used here. Also, be sure to read my review of the introductory package to fill you in on what to expect from the "Build The Ghostbusters Ecto-1" model subscription. Okay, now that we're all on the same page, let's look at what is in the latest package.
Taking everything out of the large box, I find the Issue #10 magazine; Ecto-1 model parts sets #31, #32, #33, and #34.
The magazine is slightly bigger than 8.5"x11" and contains 30-pages. The magazine contains a parts list (so you'll know what parts accompany that issue) with instructions, followed by a new interview/article. In Issue #10, you get articles about Rick Moranis and Vigo; along with the usual "Ecto–101" section, which provides "a monthly list of all the things that make Ghostbusters great".
It should be stated that the majority of the articles from the magazines included with the model subscription have been collected in the Ghostbusters: The Inside Story hardcover book (reviewed here). So, if for some reason, you want the magazines, but not the Ecto-1 model, you can get most of the content in that book. However, the magazines do have an exclusive "Ecto-101" feature, and *MAY* have exclusive articles. I can't confirm that until I have all 36 issues, but doing a little mathematics tells me there will be more articles in the magazines than in The Inside Story.
The model pieces are large and heavy due to the fact that this is made of die-cast metal! When finished, it will measure a whopping 31.5" long. That's roughly TWO AND A HALF FEET! The four parts sets included with this issue are:
- Parts Set #31 - Parts for the left rear suspension of your Ecto-1.
- Parts Set #32 - Parts that make up the left rear wheel of your Ecto-1.
- Parts Set #33 - Parts for the right rear suspension of your Ecto-1.
- Parts Set #34 - Parts that make up the right rear wheel of your Ecto-1.
Along with the box containing magazine issues #10, #11, #12, and the related sets of car parts, was a second HUGE box containing the Display Base. I don't know if it normally comes with issue #10, #11, or #12, so I'm just going to include it here. The display base is one of several gifts included with the subscription, as detailed in my review of the introductory package. I received the other gifts in earlier packages, so all that is left is the T-Shirt (and any surprises that I don't know about).
Carefully slipping it out of the box, and you'll see that Eaglemoss has protected the base on all sides by styrofoam, as well as slipping a cover over it like they do for televisions and other electronics.
The base is about 37"x17.5" with a thickness of approx. 1.5". That's over 3-feet wide and about a foot-and-a-half from front to back. The mirrored-bottom area, where the car will sit, is about 35"x15.5". Just looking at this thing will give you a great idea as to how large the Ecto-1 will be when completed. In short, it will be HUGE!
At the middle of the front edge is a white rectangular area adorned by a No Ghost logo. This is a really nice touch. I can't tell what materials the base is made out of, but the majority of it seems to be wood.
You start your subscription with the introductory package, which contains the "Introduction" magazine, Issue #1 and Issue #2 magazines, a fold-out poster that shows you the model in full actual size, and the first two sets of Ecto-1 parts for just $1.95 with FREE SHIPPING!!! Further issues are $10.90 per issue plus $2.45 for shipping per issue. In addition to the 36 magazines and 141 model parts sets, you will also get a beautiful binder in which to store all of your magazines, an Ecto-1 license plate replica, an exclusive baseball cap, an exclusive t-shirt, and a display base for your model. If you're willing to pay an extra $1.00 per issue, you can upgrade to a Platinum subscription, which entitles you to a specially-designed crystal case with an amazing lighting kit to add onto your display base.
I will continue to review all of the magazines and model pieces that Eaglemoss sends me, and once I have them all, I'll build the Ecto-1 and show it off to all of you.
All photographs and scans used in this review were taken by me, Paul Rudoff. This item was provided by Eaglemoss for review on this site.
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