Shot On Site - A To Z / Laverne & Shirley California Apartment
By Paul Rudoff on Feb. 16, 2015 at 8:31 PM in Filming Locations

At the beginning of Laverne & Shirley's sixth season in 1980, the ladies leave Milwaukee for the warmer weather of Burbank, California. They are seen moving into an apartment building that was supposedly located at 113 1/2 Laurel Vista Drive.

(Laverne & Shirley, Season 6, 1980) (image credit: Lindsay Blake)
The apartment building, and Laverne & Shirley's residence there, would be referenced thirty-four years later in the A To Z episode "E Is For Ectoplasm". In this series, roommates Zelda and Stephie, upon learned that they moved into the apartment building from Laverne & Shirley, decide to dress as the characters every year for Halloween.

(A To Z: "E Is For Ectoplasm" 10/30/2014)
The real apartment building is actually located at 419/421 North Sierra Bonita Ave., Los Angeles, CA. More info can be found at I Am Not A Stalker.

(Google Maps photography, June 2014)

For more information about non-Ghostbusters filming locations, be sure to check out the rest of this site/blog's Shot On Site articles. For Ghostbusters filming locations, check out Spook Central's Filming Locations page (Shot on Site articles are linked off the individual pages).
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