Recommended Wrestling Autograph Dealers
By Paul Rudoff on Apr. 13, 2017 at 10:27 PM in Wrestling

Back in the 1990s and 2000s I used to be an autograph collector. I had quite a large collection featuring a wide variety of actors, actresses, singers, models, voice actors, animators, wrestlers, and wrestling personalities. A good chunk of it got destroyed by Hurricane Sandy in late 2012. The majority of the rest I was forced to sell after my father died in early 2014. I did keep a small portion of the collection, which I am displaying online here: Ghostbusters and Everything Else. Some of the wrestling autographs from my collection is displayed at the top and bottom of this post. They are not for sale.
Around the mid-2000s, I bought a large portion of my wrestling autographs from online stores. At the time, I made an online list of my favorite sellers, with notes about my experiences buying from them, and direct links to their wares. I figured that since I put so much work into it, I would move this list here to The Corner Penthouse. Do note that I have not ordered autographed photos from any of these dealers since 2012 or before. I am recommending them under the assumption that they still provide the great service and quality merchandise as I experienced many years ago.
• HighSpots (No NY Tax, PayPal Accepted)
• Michael Kopel (BallParkCo) - (No NY Tax, PayPal Accepted) (Gives Certificate of Authenticity)
• Maniac Joe (No NY Tax, PayPal Accepted) (Gives Certificate of Authenticity)
• Ringside Collectibles (PayPal Accepted) (Gives Certificate of Authenticity)
• Sports Fan Promotions on eBay - (User ID: bart6667) - Located in New Jersey. (No NY Tax, PayPal Accepted) (Gives Certificate of Authenticity)
- COMBINED SHIPPING TIP: When I purchased some from him on eBay on 3/14/2010, his listings all stated, I'll be happy to combine auctions won in a 7 day period to save you on shipping costs. However, eBay's checkout system was charging me $4 for EACH photo. I ended up having to go into PayPal and use the Send Money link, and select eBay Goods, in order to be able to change the shipping to $4 for the entire order.
• Wrestling Superstore (No NY Tax, PayPal Accepted)

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