Lego Dimensions A-Team Fun Pack Review
By Paul Rudoff on Oct. 2, 2017 at 6:25 PM in Video Games

I've been reviewing the various Lego Dimensions Ghostbusters items on Spook Central, which leaves a lot of Lego Dimensions stuff to review here on The Corner Penthouse. I'll start small with the Lego Dimensions A-Team Fun Pack.

As with all of the other fun packs, you get a figure and a vehicle. The figure is B.A. Baracus, and he comes with the iconic black/grey/red van from the TV series (which transforms into the "Pain Plane"). B.A. is the only character who can perform the new A-Team Master Build ability. It works just like Wildstyle's master build, except it's with glowing brown objects. When B.A. master builds, a brief montage is shown of him working on the item while the A-Team theme song plays. It's really cute. In addition, B.A. is the only one who can access the A-Team world and battle arena. B.A.'s full range of abilities includes A-Team Master Build, Fix-It, Laser Deflector, Silver Lego Blowup, Super Strength, Super Strength Handles, and Target.

B.A. was iconicly portrayed by Mr. T in the TV series, but he does not return to reprise the role here. B.A.'s voice is provided by Dave Fennoy, best known as Lee in Telltale's The Walking Dead video game. He's a great actor, but he sounds nothing like Mr. T. The other A-Team members John 'Hannibal' Smith, 'Howling Mad' Murdock, and Templeton 'Faceman' Peck are also playable in the A-Team world, but they don't speak when you play as them (only when you interact with them as B.A.). They have the same abilities as B.A., but only B.A. has access to A-Team Master Build & Fix-It abilities. You switch between them just like you do with the Ghostbusters, by holding down the character select button and selecting the character as the game cycles through the four of them. Dwight Schultz, who portrayed Murdock on TV, reprises his role, though everyone else is voiced by an unknown not-so-soundalike. Hannibal sounds even less like George Peppard than B.A. does of Mr. T.

The A-Team world is 1980s Los Angeles. I was wondering what the world would look like since the team and the van are the iconic elements of the show, not the locations. Areas in the world include the Los Angeles airport, the prison, B.A.'s garage, the Veterans Hospital, downtown Los Angeles, an oil field, the Sun & Moon Encampment, Face's apartment building, the docks, a motel, and a gas station. It would have been a great inside joke if the Ghostbusters Firehouse was included in the A-Team world, as the Los Angeles Firehouse that was used for interiors of Ghostbusters headquarters in the original films was also used as a homeless shelter in the A-Team episode "The Road To Hope". You can enter interiors (such as B.A.'s garage, Face's apartment, and the Veterans Hospital), but there is a loading screen when you do this.

All of the Year 2 worlds include 10 collectibles to find, signified by blue markers on the minimap. In the A-Team world, they are little crates of bottles. However, if you go inside a building, you lose your blue marker collectible progress. The game developer still has not added a map to the Select button (Back on Xbox) in each of the worlds. You're stuck with this stupid little minimap that is often hard to see. Some of the individual stand-alone Lego games had the maps on the Select button, yet that feature was removed from Dimensions.

Battle Arenas were added in Year 2, and the one for The A-Team is called "High-Security Stockade". You can do a single battle or a tournament, and visit the battle shop. Game modes include Capture The Flag, Objective, Tic Tag Boom, and Base Bash. That's all I can really tell you about it. I don't bother playing the battle arenas as they are rather pointless in single player.
In order to use the Lego Dimensions A-Team Fun Pack in the game, you will also need one of the Starter Packs, which are available for a variety of systems: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and WiiU. Of course, if you just want to play with it as a physical toy, you're free to do that without a Starter Pack :-)
Check out the complete list of Lego Dimensions packs to buy that I posted in my review of the Ghostbusters 2016 Story Pack.
(Images used in this review came from these videos: Lumpy Space Princess Meets B.A. Baracus, B.A. Baracus Spotlight, B.A. Baracus Free Roam.)
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