eBay Removes Feedback That Exposes Seller's (Azsa-9617) Deceitful Business Practices
By Paul Rudoff on Jan. 2, 2025 at 9:10 PM in Public Service Articles

This is another in a series of articles about eBay, who covers up the deceitful business practices of its sellers, while turning its feedback system into an utter joke. I will do my best to inform the public about eBay's scummy practices and the bad sellers that operate on the platform, so other buyers can avoid them. The bad seller I will be writing about today is eBay ID: azsa-9617.
On Saturday December 28, 2024 at 8:23 PM eBay time (11:23 PM New York time), I bought a 20-pack of checkbook ledger books from eBay seller "azsa-9617". They were listed for $7.99 with free shipping from Arlington, Texas. It seemed like a good deal. Little did I know at the time that I was being deceived.
Two days later, on Monday December 30th, I saw that "azsa-9617" entered the USPS tracking number 9434636208070303517366 into eBay's system. I went to the USPS tracking page and it said that the package was already delivered on December 30th at 11:13 AM at the "Front Door/Porch". Considering that I had already gone out to get the mail AFTER that time, I was wondering where the package was.
I was also confused as to how a standard (Ground Advantage) package from Texas to New York could arrive in (near) exactly 36 hours over a weekend via USPS! That's when I decided to take a look at the full package tracking history. The package tied to tracking number 9434636208070303517366 was mailed out on December 27, 2024 at 12:37 PM from Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. (The eBay listing said that the product is located in Arlington, Texas.) Although this package was delivered somewhere in my town, it was impossible for this to have been my package since it was shipped BEFORE I ever placed the order!!!

Thinking that "azsa-9617" entered the wrong USPS tracking number into eBay's system, I sent him an eBay private message:
I am writing about the order I placed with you on December 28, 2024 at 8:23 PM, which is order number 22-12499-21962 for the 20-pack Checkbook Register Books. You added the WRONG tracking number for my order. You entered 9434636208070303517366, which is for a package that was mailed out on December 27, 2024 at 12:37 pm, as noted in the USPS tracking history. (see attached screenshots) Although this package was delivered to SOMEONE ELSE in Valley Stream, NY on December 30, 2024 at 11:13 am, it was not delivered to me because THIS PACKAGE WAS MAILED OUT *BEFORE* I PLACED MY ORDER!!! Please give me the correct tracking number for my package, and add it to the eBay order page. Thanks.About an hour later, I went back outside and noticed a package from Amazon, addressed to me, sitting on the porch. I was wondering what this was, since I did not order anything from Amazon. Could someone have sent me a late-delivered holiday gift? Well, it was a "gift" alright, technically speaking. eBay seller "azsa-9617" took the money I paid him for an item that I believed to have been in his inventory, bought the item from Amazon seller "Casmonal & BSwolf", and then shipped it to me as a "gift".
There was a note from Amazon inside indicating the checkbook ledgers were "a gift for [me] from azsa-9617".
Well, if it's a gift, then I want my money back because one does not pay for a gift.
It was at this point that I noticed that "azsa-9617" replied to my eBay private message. His reply was, "Dear buyer your order Delivered today Your package was left near the front door or porch. kindest regards" - and he included Amazon's delivery photo to prove that "USPS" delivered it. This message is yet another deceit, as USPS doesn't take delivery photos.
Before I proceed to show how eBay is complicit in covering up the deceitful business practices of "azsa-9617", let's take a look at the full eBay listing. Notice how the listing gives the illusion that he's selling his own inventory, when he's not selling a damn thing. If you click to see the full listing, you will notice that nowhere does it state, "You are paying me to buy this item for you from Amazon". Neither I, nor any of his other customers, intentionally paid him to be our own personal shopper.
For comparison, let's look at the Amazon listing he bought the item from, where "Casmonal & BSwolf" is selling the item for $5.99.
When I buy an item from a store, any store, I do so under the belief that I am buying the item from that entity. I am not giving that store my money to buy the item for me from another store. If I wanted to support Jeff Bezos, the billionaire who owns Amazon, I could place my own orders at Amazon. Some of the sellers on eBay are small businesses, and that's who I want to give my support to. I absolutely detest what "azsa-9617" did, and I made it quite clear by leaving him negative feedback with five of the photos that I've already used in this article.
DOES NOT SELL HIS OWN INVENTORY! Added FALSE USPS TRACKING to eBay's system to cover up that he "gift ordered" item from another retailer ("Casmonal & BSwolf" on AmaMarketplace), as seen in my photos. Tracking he gave was for an item that was mailed out "BEFORE* I placed my order! I buy from eBay to support small businesses. If I wanted to support Jeff Bezos's company, I would have ordered from that site. I don't need "azsa-9617" to place orders on other sites for me. I detest this behavior.You will notice that I never mentioned Amazon by name. This is because the first time I encountered a deceitful eBay seller who "gift-shipped" the item from Amazon (in December 2018), eBay actually penalized ME for mentioning "Amazon" in the feedback, even though that is where the seller bought the item from. Yes, eBay punished a buyer for exposing the deceitful business practices of one of their sellers.
Anyway, this is the negative feedback as it appeared on the "azsa-9617" feedback page on December 30, 2024.
By January 1, 2025 (two days later), the negative rating was still there, but the actual feedback and photos were gone!
I had a feeling that eBay would cover up the deceitful business practices of "azsa-9617", which is why I took a screenshot immediately after I left the negative feedback. What is the point of having a feedback system when a seller can remove feedback he doesn't like because it exposes his deceitful business practices? The eBay feedback system is worthless if it can't be used to actually give feedback about a seller. This is now the third time that I've proven this. The first was in December 2018, the second was in February 2024, and now for a third time in January 2025. I bet this won't be the last time I will have to report on this subject matter.
[UPDATE - 1/4/2025]
Out of the clear blue, I received this eBay message from "azsa-9617" on January 4, 2025 at 2:41 AM Eastern:

Judging from the broken English, I have my doubts that "azsa-9617" is really located in Arlington, Texas, as stated in his listing. I have to wonder if he's located in China. Anyway, regardless of where he's located, he's trying to pass off his deceit as a "shipping carrier" problem. lol. He also made the false statement, "We have already refunded your full amount." At the time of this update (5:45 PM Eastern), no money has been refunded to me.
At 9:10 AM Eastern, I replied with this:
You sent me a "gift" from Amazon. One does not pay for gifts that are sent to them. So, yes, please give me a full refund. Thanks.Instead of a refund, I received this reply from "azsa-9617" at 9:50 AM Eastern:

Putting aside the fact that I can't revise feedback that eBay already deleted - that's the whole point of this article - it seems like he's saying, "Only if you remove your negative feedback, will I refund your money." So, it seems like I can add extortion to the deceit. That's a great seller you're covering up for, eBay.
His message can also be interpreted as, "When Amazon refunds the money to me, I will refund it to you." However, I don't see why Amazon would give him a refund since Amazon did nothing wrong. So, I have to believe this to be extortion.
[UPDATE - 1/5/2025]
It was definitely extortion. Today, at 10:38 AM Eastern, I received this "Seller Request to Revise Feedback" e-mail from eBay.

You'll notice that "azsa-9617" lied by stating to eBay that the reason for the feedback revision request is because he "was able to resolve a problem [I] had with this transaction". He never did a thing, except extort me to revise my feedback in exchange for a refund.
Since "azsa-9617" keeps asking for a feedback revision, when the actual feedback text and photos were removed days ago (only the negative rating remains), I have to wonder if it really was "azsa-9617" who had eBay remove the feedback text and photos, or if eBay did it itself. Perhaps eBay has staff who monitor and check all seller feedback left, and they remove any that they don't like. That makes them even more complicit in covering up for their deceitful sellers and means that they are purposely rendering their feedback system completely pointless.
Anyway, since I am given the opportunity to "revise" the feedback, it means that I can re-add the text I had before. (eBay doesn't allow the photos to be re-added - but they were re-attached to my revised feedback.) However, given all that has occurred since I left the original feedback, I decided that revised feedback text with a negative rating is still deserved. So, on January 5th at 3:55 PM Eastern, I left this text:
BEWARE, DECEIT & EXTORTION! Seller DOESN'T HAVE INVENTORY, adds FALSE USPS TRACKING to eBay's system to cover up that he "gift orders" item from another retailer. Well, if it's a gift, I want my money back because one does not pay for a gift. Tracking he gave was for an item that was shipped "BEFORE* I placed my order! Seller EXTORTED me, stating that he'd refund my money (his suggestion, not mine) ONLY if I revised my feedback! For full details & photos, read the report at spookcentral.tk/jM3
Well, technically I revised the feedback, so "azsa-9617" should refund my money, as per his extortion :-)
Let's see how long eBay keeps the feedback text up this time.
[UPDATE - 1/8/2025]
Surprisingly, the honest revised feedback is still up on eBay's feedback page for "azsa-9617". Unsurprisingly, "azsa-9617" still has not refunded my money as he promised (exhorted) if I left him revised feedback.
Upon researching this matter, I think I figured out how "azsa-9617" created that bogus USPS tracking number he inputted into eBay's system for the Amazon package he gift-shipped/dropshipped to me. He probably used Track Taco to buy a tracking number for another package being delivered to Valley Stream on the same day Amazon was scheduled to delivered the item he gift-shipped/dropshipped to me. In the video below, Bryan Guerra proudly admits that he uses Track Taco to blatantly LIE to his "customers" about the items they think they're buying from him.
After watching this video, I am sickened, but not surprised, that there are people who are proud of such amoral behavior. Of course, there is far worse behavior going on in the world, which people are blissfully unaware of, but still this is not something to be proud of.
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