Shot On Site - Crash and Bernstein Pizzeria
By Paul Rudoff on Feb. 2, 2015 at 8:27 PM in Filming Locations

Here I am again with another Shot on Site article about the Disney XD series "Crash & Bernstein". This one is about a one-off location that, to my knowledge, only appeared in one episode.
In the Crash & Bernstein episode "Double Header" (August 11, 2014), much of the action takes place at the "Piehole Pizza" restaurant.

All shots of the pizzeria are obvious stock footage, which may have been filmed back in the 1990s (it doesn't look recent), because in every shot (even close-ups) you see the same two guys walking across the street.

Two details in those shots help identify the place. The first is the New York street sign for "72nd Ave.", and the other is the green awning that says "Frieda's Antiques & Collectibles" on it. With those two details, I was able to determine that "Piehole Pizza" is really Dante's Pizza (formerly Mazara Pizza) at 105-03 Metropolitan Ave, Forest Hills, NY.

(Google Maps photography, October 2014)

For more information about non-Ghostbusters filming locations, be sure to check out the rest of this site/blog's Shot On Site articles. For Ghostbusters filming locations, check out Spook Central's Filming Locations page (Shot on Site articles are linked off the individual pages).
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